Create a Microsoft Azure Storage Profile for a
Managed Disk
Microsoft Azure
Storage Profile for a
Managed DiskTo create a
Microsoft Azure
storage profile for a managed disk, you make a POST request with a
region ID and include disk properties to specify the managed disk
type.- Verify that all general prerequisites and prerequisites for theAutomation AssemblerInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS) service have been satisfied. See Prerequisites for API Use Case Examples.
- Verify that you have the cloud account ID for the new cloud account that you added. See Adding Cloud Accounts.
- Assign the cloud account ID variable.azure_cloud_account_id='<your_cloud_account_id>'
- Look up region IDs associated with the cloud account and in the external region IDeastus.curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" "$url/iaas/api/regions/?apiVersion=$api_version&"'$filter'"=externalRegionId%20eq%20'eastus'%20and%20cloudAccountId%20eq%20'"$zaure_cloud_account_id"'" | jq "."
- Examine the response to find the ID for the region that you want.
- Assign the region ID variable.azure_region_id='<your_region_id>'
- Create a storage profile for the selected region.curl -X POST \ $url/iaas/api/storage-profiles?apiVersion=$api_version \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \ -d '{ "defaultItem": false, "supportsEncryption": false, "tags": [ { "key": "type", "value": "managed" } ], "diskProperties": { "azureManagedDiskType": "Standard_LRS", "azureOsDiskCaching": "ReadWrite", "azureDataDiskCaching": "ReadWrite" }, "regionId": "'$azure_region_id'", "name": "<your-azure-managed-disk-storage-profile>", "description": "Example Azure managed disk" }' | jq "."
- To obtain the storage profile ID, examine the response.
- Assign the storage profile ID variable.azure_storage_profile_id='<your_storage_profile_id>'
- Look up the storage profile you created with your storage profile ID.curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" $url/iaas/api/storage-profiles/$azure_storage_profile_id?apiVersion=$api_version | jq "."The response shows the name and ID for the storage profile you created.Using the external region ID and the cloud account ID, you can also filter for the storage profile with a query that does not require the storage profile ID. See Filtering Resources by Region ID.
Create a
Microsoft Azure
profileAssign the required variables including
the cloud account ID for a
Microsoft Azure
cloud account.$ url='' $ api_version='2021-07-15' $ azure_cloud_account_id='c8c3c9bfdb449475-7f703c5265a63d87-5fa34c478df36b060e1ca3551254 c4033013bf3283908e4661cd1c6fb2f8b9ae-ce5aad01092b47558644f6b6615d'
Look up region IDs associated with the
cloud account and in the external region ID
$ curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" "$url/iaas/api/regions/?apiVersion=$api_version&"'$filter'"=externalRegionId%20eq%20'us-east-1'%20and%20cloudAccountId%20eq%20'"$azure_cloud_account_id"'" | jq "."
A snippet of the response shows the
region ID.
... "externalRegionId": "eastus", "cloudAccountId": "c8c3c9bfdb449475-7f703c5265a63d87-5fa34c478df36b060e1ca3551254c4033013bf3283908e4661cd1c6fb2f8b9ae-ce5aad01092b47558644f6b6615d", "id": "20d6c1abc4a8275586468873c721", "updatedAt": "2022-04-02", ...
Assign the Azure region ID.
$ azure_region_id='20d6c1abc4a8275586468873c721'
Create a
Microsoft Azure
storage profile named
.$ curl -X POST \ $url/iaas/api/storage-profiles?apiVersion=$api_version \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \ -d '{ "defaultItem": false, "supportsEncryption": false, "tags": [ { "key": "type", "value": "managed" } ], "diskProperties": { "azureManagedDiskType": "Standard_LRS", "azureOsDiskCaching": "ReadWrite", "azureDataDiskCaching": "ReadWrite" }, "regionId": "'$azure_region_id'", "name": "azure-with-managed-disks-storage-profile", "description": "Example Azure with managed disks storage profile" }' | jq "."
A snippet of the response shows the
storage profile ID.
... "externalRegionId": "eastus", "name": "azure-with-managed-disks-storage-profile", "description": "Example Azure with managed disks storage profile", "id": "f83d0fd4-45de-4ca7-a699-c20bc121abcd", "createdAt": "2022-04-02", "updatedAt": "2022-04-022021-08-02", ...