VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.12 Patch 2 Release Notes

This document contains the following sections

Release Details

Here is the release date and build number for VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.12 Patch 2.
Release Date
Build Number
VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.12 Patch 2
24 November 2023

What's New

The following updates are available in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.12 Patch 2:
  • Solution to address the issue associated with the "Check Online" upgrade method of VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle when configured with a proxy.
  • Updated checksum for the Windows Connector, enabling the successful download of VMware Identity Manager 3.3.7 binaries.
  • Fixed the issue related to collecting all necessary logs needed for debugging the upgrade of VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.
  • Updated descriptions for the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle upgrade pre-check to ensure accuracy.
  • Improved the upgrade pre-validation report, explicitly displaying the KB link when the root partition check fails.
  • Addressed issues related to Operations for Logs scale-out operations.
  • Resolved the upgrade problem in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle when FIPS is deactivated.

VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.12 Patch 2 Installation Procedure

This section describes the prerequisites and the download instructions you should know before installing the software.
If the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle VA is not connected to the Internet, you can download this patch from the VMware Customer Connect
VMware Patch Download Center
. Select
VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
in the 
Search by Product 
drop-down menu to download the patch. Import the patch into the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle VM in the /data/ directory and then do the patch mapping by selecting this location.
If the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle VA is connected to the Internet, perform the following steps.
  1. Verify that you have taken a snapshot of the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle VA.
  2. Log in to the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle VA.
  3. From the
    Lifecycle Operations
    dashboard, navigate to
    Settings > Binary Mapping
     and click
    Patch Binaries.
  4. Click
    and once the request is complete, search for
    VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.12
    patch and download the patch.
  5. Once you have downloaded the patch, navigate to
    Settings > System Patches
  6. Click
    , select the patch, and click
  7. To install the patch, click
    . Once the patch install is triggered successfully, VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle services are restarted and you are redirected to the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle UI login page.
    To verify your new patch, from the
    Lifecycle Operations
    dashboard, navigate to
    Settings >System Patches
    , and check
    Patch Details