Add a VMware Aria Automation cloud endpoint in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
VMware Aria Automation
cloud endpoint in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
To add a
VMware Aria Automation
endpoint to an environment, use the Content Settings service in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
.- Create an externalVMware Aria Automation Orchestratorendpoint forVMware Aria Automation.
- Generate an API refresh token. For information about generating API tokens, see How do I generate API tokens in VMware Cloud services product documentation. .
- On theMy Servicesdashboard, clickContent Management.
- UnderEndpoints, clickNEW ENDPOINT.
- Select theVMware Aria Automationcloud endpoint option.
- Enter the endpoint details for theVMware Aria Automationcloud endpoint.
- In theNamefield, enter a unique name for the endpoint.
- In theTagsfield, enter tags associated with the endpoint.You can use tags to deploy content to multiple endpoints at the same time. When you deploy content, you can select a tag instead of individual content endpoint names. The content deploys all endpoints that have the selected tag.
- Enter the refresh token value.
- For theVMware Aria Automation Orchestratorserver endpoint, clickExternal VMware Aria OrchestratororVMware Aria Automation Cloud Extensibility appliance.
- To associate aVMware Aria Automation Orchestrator, select aVMware Aria Automation Orchestratorendpoint from the drop-down menu.
- To test the connection to the content endpoint, clickTEST CONNECTION.If the test fails, verify that the information you entered for the content endpoint is correct and then retry.
- ClickNext.
- UnderPolicy Settings, select the appropriateVMware Aria Automation Orchestratorpackage policy for the content endpoint and then clickNext.For more information about policies, see Working with content endpoints in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.
- Verify that the content endpoint details are correct and then clickSubmit.