Configuring environment settings for a new
cloud proxy
To configure environment settings, such as name, password, and data center for a new
cloud proxy environment, use
VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
.- Log in toVMware Aria Suite Lifecycleas an administrator and clickVMware Aria Cloud.
- ClickCreate / Deploy Cloud Proxy.
- In theEnvironment Name, enter a descriptive name for the new cloud proxy environment.This name must be unique.
- Enter theEnvironment Description, which can be a maximum of 1024 characters.
- Enter aDefault Admin Passwordand confirm the password.The default password must be a minimum of 8 characters.
- FromData Center, select an existing data center for this environment or click+to add a data center.
- Activate or deactivate theJSON Configurationtoggle, as required. When you activate the JSON configuration, you can paste the JSON file text manually or you can import the file from your local system.
- SelectJoin the VMware Customer Experience Programto join CEIP for this environment.This product participates in the VMware Customer Experience Program (CEIP). Details regarding the data collected through CEIP and the purposes for which it is used by VMware are set forth at the Trust & Assurance Center at