VMware Aria Automation stages in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle workflow
VMware Aria Automation
stages in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
workflowThere are three stages in the upgrade process of vRealize Automation 8.x or
VMware Aria Automation
within the
VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
workflow. Stage of upgrade | Description |
Preparation | The preparation phase verifies that the system is healthy and shuts
down services to make sure that all data is persisted. |
Snapshot creation | Snapshots are taken for an automated, faster recovery of failures.
Upgrade | The upgrade utility is run. |
For certain failure events, the
VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
upgrade workflow provides options to either finish the upgrade successfully or
revert to the stage before upgrade. - The upgrade process starts with a status check task that verifies the current state of the VA. If the system already has an upgrade request due to a previous upgrade attempt, thenVMware Aria Suite Lifecycleprovides an option to clean the older states and start a new upgrade. You can see the status task failing with a retry parameter similar to acancelAndStartAfreshstatement. Setting this retry parameter to true cleans up older states and restarts the upgrade.
- If failures occur during the preparation phase, you can cancel the upgrade process. If a failure cannot be corrected, or if the failure is fixed manually outside of the upgrade tool, you can proceed to the next phase in the upgrade workflow. The status provided after a preparation phase failure provides two retry parameter options. If you set thecancelAndStartAfreshoption totrue, the upgrade process is cancelled and the system reverts to its pre-upgrade state. If you set theproceedNextoption totrue, theVMware Aria Suite Lifecycleupgrade proceeds to the next stage.
- The upgrade workflow consists of VM operations such as reverting or deleting a snapshot and VM shutdown, power ON, and so on. If a failure occurs, aSkipoption can be used if the retry option inVMware Aria Suite Lifecycledoes not help and when you manually perform the same operation directly invCenter.
- The final phase of the upgrade can be successful, can succeed with warnings, or can fail.
- Success with warnings indicates that the upgrade has completed successfully, but a minor error is detected. You can check the errors and rectify them. You can set thesucceedUpgradeRequestretry parameter totrueto complete theVMware Aria Suite Lifecycleupgrade workflow.
- If upgrade fails, you can decide if you want to revert the snapshot and retry the upgrade or cancel the whole upgrade process. You can revert and delete the snapshot, cancel the current upgrade request, and move the system to a state before the upgrade started.
- For an upgrade failure, you can see the status task after the upgrade failure with retry parameters similar torevertSnapshotNRetryUpgradeandcancelUpgradeNRevertBack. If you setrevertSnapshotNRetryUpgradeto true, the upgrade utility revert the snapshot and you can retry the upgrade.
- If you setcancelUpgradeNRevertBacktotrue, you can cancel the upgrade process, which can revert and delete the snapshot, cancel the current upgrade request, and move the system to a pre-upgrade state.
- TheVMware Aria Suite Lifecycleupgrade workflow does not support removing snapshots if there is a successful upgrade. You can keep the snapshots or remove them manually from thevCenter.
- If you cancel the upgrade process after a post preparation or upgrade phase failure, the upgrade workflow fromVMware Aria Suite Lifecycleis stopped. In such situations, restart the upgrade process by using options on theManager Environmentpage.
- You can enable the multi-tenancy forVMware Aria Automation, refer to Tenant management in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.
- If theVMware Aria Automationupgrade fails, you must cancel upgrade or revert a snapshot, and then retry to upgrade throughVMware Aria Suite Lifecycle. If you revert the snapshot manually in avCenter,VMware Aria Automationgoes into an inconsistent state.
- ForVMware Aria Automation, if you cancel upgrade or revert a snapshot, and then retry upgrade, ensure that you create a support bundle that contains the log files for any future analysis and reference.