Upgrade VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions
VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions
You can upgrade
VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions
using the VMware Cloud Director
Solution Add-On Landing
Zone or the command-line interface.- Verify that you have the credentials of aVMware Cloud DirectorSystem Administratoraccount.
- If you maintain an internal container registry, verify that theData Solutions Operatorpackage is cloned to its internal container registry.
You can upgrade to
VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions
1.4 from versions 1.X.升级 VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions 解决方案加载项实例
VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions
VMware Cloud Director
解决方案加载项登录区升级 VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions
VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions
时使用了 --encryption-key
参数,则无法使用 VMware Cloud Director
UI 执行升级。- 登录到VMware Cloud Director 服务提供商管理门户。
- 在解决方案加载项登录区中上载最新版本的VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions.iso文件。请参见将解决方案加载项上载到 VMware Cloud Director。
- 升级VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions的加载项实例。请参见在 VMware Cloud Director 中升级解决方案加载项实例。
租户管理员必须升级在其组织内的 Kubernetes 集群中运行的每个
Data Solutions Operator
。要避免在下一次 VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions
升级期间升级 Data Solutions Operator
,租户管理员必须将 Data Solutions Operator
。Upgrade VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions using the CLI
VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions
using the CLI
VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions
using the command-line interface.If you installed
VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions
using the command-line interface, with parameter
, you must provide the same encryption key,
when you perform the upgrade and you must not specify the parameter
. The parameters --encryption-key
and --iso
are mutually exclusive.To get the certificate file, run the following command:
$ run get certificates --host
. You must not
download the HOST_NAME
--acceptVMware Cloud Director
certificate file in the folder, where you mount the ISO
package. If you do not trust the VMware Cloud Director
certificate, use the following command to trust it:
$ run trust --host
--password PASSWORD
--certificate-file CERTIFICATE_FILENAME
--accept- To upgradeVMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions, navigate to the folder, which contains the extracted ISO package and run the following command:
- For Windows:windows.run.exe upgrade instance --nameEXTENSION_NAME--hostHOST_NAME--usernameUSER_NAME--passwordPASSWORD--certificate-fileCERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME--accept --iso
- For Linux:./linux.run upgrade instance --nameEXTENSION_NAME--hostHOST_NAME--usernameUSER_NAME--passwordPASSWORD--certificate-fileCERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME--accept --iso
The following table describes the parameters values that you must enter. To see the full list of command parameters, run the following command:<run> upgrade instance -h.Upgrade command parametersParameterDescriptionEXTENSION_NAMEThe name of theVMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions.HOST_NAMEThe name of theVMware Cloud Directorhost.USER_NAMEThe user name of theVMware Cloud Directorsystem administrator.PASSWORDThe password of theVMware Cloud Directorsystem administrator.CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAMETheVMware Cloud DirectorAPI endpoint SSL certificate filename.Example:windows.run.exe get certificates --hostatl1-vcd-static-000-00.eng.vmware.com-oC:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\vcd_cert.pem--accept windows.run.exe trust --hostatl1-vcd-static-000-00.eng.vmware.com--usernameadmin--passwordvmware--certificate-fileC:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\vcd_cert.pem--accept windows.run.exe upgrade instance --nametds1--hostatl1-vcd-static-000-00.eng.vmware.com--usernameadmin--passwordvmware--certificate-fileC:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\vcd_cert.pem--accept --iso
- Update theVMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutionsrepository and set to the latest version. You can preview the latest version, by selecting theUse Default Valuecheck box in theUpdate Repositorywindow.The default registry path forData Solutions Operator1.4 isprojects.registry.vmware.com/vcdds/vcd-data-solutions-package-repo:1.4.0. See Managing container registries in theUsingguide.VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutionsas a Service Provider
- The tenant administrator must upgrade eachData Solutions Operator, which runs in the Kubernetes clusters within their organizations. To avoid upgrading theData Solutions Operators during the nextVMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutionsupgrade, the tenant administrator must set theData Solutions Operatorupgrade policy toAuto upgrade to the latest version.