Add Compute Gateway Firewall Rules
- Click the required SDDC name.
- Click.
- On theGATEWAY FIREWALLcard, clickCompute Gateway.
- To add a rule, clickADD RULEand give the new rule aName.
- Enter the parameters for the new rule.To edit a parameter, move the mouse pointer over the parameter value and click the pencil icon (
) to open a parameter-specific editor.
- Create a firewall rule for managing the from the on-premises environment.For example, create a firewall rule On-Prem-to-Compute and provide the details as captured in the following table to enable access from on-premises to compute segments of the SDDC.NameSourcesDestinationsApplied ToOn-Prem-to-ComputeOn-PremCompute SegmentsAll Uplinks
- 单击发布以创建规则。系统会为新规则提供一个整数ID值,该值在规则生成的日志条目中使用。