Add a Microsoft Azure Cloud Account
Microsoft Azure
Cloud Account To create a
Microsoft Azure
account, you make a POST request. The request body includes parameters specific to
Microsoft Azure
that are required to
create the cloud account. - Verify that all general prerequisites and prerequisites for theAutomation AssemblerInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS) service have been satisfied. See Prerequisites for API Use Case Examples.
- Verify that you have the following parameters for the new cloud account:
- Microsoft Azuresubscription ID
- Microsoft Azuretenant ID
- Microsoft Azureclient application ID
- Microsoft Azureclient application secret key
As an alternative to using the
API call, you can use a
API call that creates a Microsoft Azure
cloud account with fewer input
parameters.- Assign theMicrosoft Azureaccount variables.azure_subscription_id='<your_azure_subscription_id>' azure_tenant_id='<your_azure_tenant_id>' azure_client_application_id='<your_azure_client_application_id>' azure_client_application_secret_key='<your_azure_client_application_secret_key>'
- Submit a request to create aMicrosoft Azurecloud account with default cloud zones.curl -X POST \ "$url/iaas/api/cloud-accounts?apiVersion=$api_version" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \ -d '{ "cloudAccountType":"azure", "privateKeyId":"'$azure_client_application_id'", "privateKey":"'$azure_client_application_secret_key'", "cloudAccountProperties": { "userLink":"'$azure_subscription_id'", "azureTenantId":"'$azure_tenant_id'" }, "regionIds":["<your_region_id>"], "createDefaultZones":true, "name":"<your_azure_cloud_account>", "description": "This is a demo Azure cloud account", }' | jq "."
- Submit a request to create aMicrosoft Azurecloud account with thecloud-accounts-azureAPI call.curl -X POST \ "$url/iaas/api/cloud-accounts-azure?apiVersion=$api_version" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \ -d '{ "name":"<your_azure_cloud_account>", "description": "This is a demo Azure cloud account", "subscriptionId": "'$azure_subscription_id'", "tenantId": "'$azure_tenant_id'", "clientApplicationId": "'$azure_client_application_id'", "clientApplicationSecretKey": "'$azure_client_application_secret_key'", "regionIds": [ "<your_region_id1>", "<your_region_id2>" ], "createDefaultZones": true, "tags": [ { "key": "env", "value": "dev" } ] }' | jq "."
- List all cloud accounts.curl -X GET $url/iaas/api/cloud-accounts?apiVersion=$api_version -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" | jq "."
- Examine the response and verify that the name and ID of theMicrosoft Azurecloud account you created is listed.
Create a
Microsoft Azure
Cloud AccountAssign the required variables.
$ url='' $ api_version='2021-07-15' $ azure_subscription_id='r1e31415-4a08-4072-be4a-19de37d12345' $ azure_tenant_id='s39138ca-3abc-4b4a-a4d6-cd92d9dd62f0' $ azure_client_application_id='te21wxyz-b183-42ac-cd84-3c4a2459b9a9' $ azure_client_application_secret_key='udv6lY8MwpP5ABCDfSztP3ABCDEaLMNOPQRmDEUeiI0='
Create a cloud account named
. $ curl -X POST \ "$url/iaas/api/cloud-accounts?apiVersion=$api_version" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \ -d '{ "cloudAccountType":"azure", "privateKeyId":"'$azure_client_application_id'", "privateKey":"'$azure_client_application_secret_key'", "cloudAccountProperties": { "userLink":"'$azure_subscription_id'", "azureTenantId":"'$azure_tenant_id'" }, "regionIds":["eastus"], "createDefaultZones":true, "name": "demo-azure-account", "description": "This is a demo Azure cloud account", }' | jq "."
A snippet of the response from your request shows the account ID.
... "tags": [], "name": "demo-azure-account", "id": "c8c3c9bfdb449475-7f703c5265a63d87-f8e705d89b2569e1aac66c6d00bf4fc7ef4b1c44100f0e944af31eb8ba3d2a5a-f4226a20b65c4675574bc5fbff6c0", "updatedAt": "2022-04-02", "organizationId": "8327d53f-91ea-420a-8613-ba8f3149db95", ...