Create a protection
Configure new protection to replicate the workload from one site to another while keeping it running in the source site. After a successful replication, if the source site becomes unavailable, you can fail over and power on the protected workload in the destination site.
- Verify thatVMware Cloud Director Availability4.7 or later is deployed in both the source and in the destination sites.
- Verify that you can accessVMware Cloud Director Availabilityas atenantor as aprovider. For more information, see VMware Cloud Director Availability へのアクセス.
VMware Cloud Director Availability
4.7.2 and later, you can create a replication for
a virtual machine (VM) with enabled virtual Trusted Platform Module (vTPM), and
with full, partial, or no encryption of the attached storage disks. You can also
create a replication for a non-encrypted VM and encypt the VM as a part of the
replication process. For more information, see Create a replication for encrypted virtual machines.- In the left pane, choose a replication direction by clickingIncoming ReplicationsorOutgoing Replications.
- Alternatively, from the on-premisesvSphere Clienteither under theHosts and Clustersor under theVMs and Templatesinventories, right-click the virtual machine or from theActionsmenu select:
- Configure Protection
- Configure Migration
- Fast Migration
- Click.
- To create the protection, depending on the source and destination sites complete theNew Replicationwizard.
- For an on-premises site as a source and a Cloud Director site as a destination:
- On theSource VMspage, select the source virtual machines, then clickNext.To unite the selected virtual machines in one vApp, activate theGroup VMs to a single vApptoggle.
- On thevApp Settingspage, that shows after activatingGroup VMs to a single vApp, you must enter a vApp name for the group. By entering the vApp name of an already existing vApp replication the selected virtual machines become part of that replication. Optionally, when protecting multiple virtual machines change their order of boot by dragging each row and set optional boot delay between each replicated virtual machine in the resulting vApp. Then, clickNext.
- On theDestination VDC and Storage policypage, select the destination virtual data center. Then, either select the storage policy for placing the recovered workloads and clickNext, or to configure seed and flexible storage profile assignment, activate theAdvanced Datastore Settingstoggle.
- For a Cloud Director site as a source:
- On theSource VMs and vAppspage, select the source workloads, then clickNext.
- For an on-premises site as a destination:to configure seed and flexible storage profile assignment on the next page, activate theAdvanced Datastore Settingstoggle. Then, clickNext.
- For a Cloud Director site as a destination:on theDestination VDC and Storage policypage, select the destination virtual data center. Then, either select the storage policy for placing the recovered workloads, or to configure seed and use flexible storage profile assignment, activate theAdvanced Datastore Settingstoggle.
- ForvSphereDR and migration to avCenter Serversite as a destination:
- On theSource VMspage, select the source virtual machines, then clickNext.
- On theDatastorepage, either select the VM storage policy and destination datastore for placing the recovered workloads, or to configure seed and flexible storage profile assignment, activate theAdvanced Datastore Settingstoggle.
- UnderAdvanced Datastore Settings, when activated, configure the following settings for the destination datastore of each virtual machine in the replication:
- In the left pane underVM name, click on a virtual machine to configure its advanced datastore settings.
- In the right pane underUse a seed VM, to lower the network data traffic and the required time for the initial synchronization by copying only the different data blocks from the source workload and reuse the seed data as a basis for replicating, activate theConfigure with seed VMtoggle.
- UnderUse flexible storage profile assignment, you can replicate one virtual machine to multiple datastores. For example, place one of its disks on a separate datastore, or split some disks from the .vmx file.
- Configuration files
- This section does not show for replications from a Cloud Director site as a source to an on-premises site as a destination as it already uses the on-premises placement.
- From theVM Storage Policydrop-down menu, select the storage policy for the replicated workload configuration files in the destination site.
- For vSphere DR and migration, from theVM Placement Datastoredrop-down menu, select the destination datastore for the replicated workload configuration files.
- To apply the same to all disks, clickApply,
From theDisk inclusiondrop-down menu, optionally select either toInclude Allor toExclude Alldisks from the VM in the destination. Without any disks selected for replication, you cannot continue.- DiskX
- For each disk in the selected VM, underDisk, to include this disk in the replicated virtual machine, activate theXReplicatetoggle.
- From theStorage policydrop-down menu, select a storage policy for this disk. For a Cloud Director site as a destination, this option requires RTVM placement. For more information, see Replication tracking placement solution. This menu does not show for replications from a Cloud Director site as a source to an on-premises site as a destination as it already uses the on-premises placement.
- For vSphere DR and migration, from thePlacement Datastoredrop-down menu select a placement datastore for this disk.
- After configuring the advanced datastore settings for all needed virtual machines in the replication, clickNext.
- On theSettingspage, configure the following protection settings depending on the source and destination sites, then clickNext.
Use SLA profile- If SLA profiles are configured, to set the SLA settings of the replication, select any of the preconfigured SLA profiles.
- Alternatively, selectConfigure settings manuallythen select the following SLA settings in this table.
Target recovery point objective (RPO)Set the acceptable period for which data can be lost if there is a site failure by using the slider or by clicking the time intervals. The available RPO range for a protection is from one minute to 24 hours.For the lowest RPO of one minute, follow the recommendations for lowering the occurrence of RPO violations for the protection, by using all-flash storage and see Replicating workloads.With one minute RPO, even when meeting these recommendations, an I/O intensive protected workload can still cause RPO violations.Retention policy for point in time instancesTo preserve multiple rotated distinct instances to which the virtual machines can be recovered, activate this toggle then select the number of replication instances to keep and select the retention time distance and unit.The retention distance unit must be greater than the RPO.Activate quiesceActivating quiescing ensures consistency before creating an instance.Compress replication trafficTo apply compression on the replication data traffic for reducing the network data traffic at the expense of CPU, activate this toggle.Disk ProvisioningForvSphereDR and migration betweenvCenter Serversites, select one of the following provisioning formats for the destination disk:- Thin Provision
- Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed
- Thick Provision Eager Zeroed
Delay start synchronization- To schedule the start of the replication, activate this toggle and enter the local date and time to start the replication.
- Alternatively, to start the replication when the wizard finishes, leave this toggle deactivated.
VDC policy settingsFor a Cloud Director site as a destination:When a VDC policy with the same name already applies on the source workload, it is pre-selected for you. You can choose to either keep it and continue, or select another VDC policy.- Select the organization placement policy to apply on the recovered workloads from theVM placement policydrop-down menu.
- Select the organization sizing policy from theVM sizing policydrop-down menu. With no sizing policy selected for the replication,VMware Cloud Directorautomatically applies the system default sizing policy on the destination virtual machine.
- On theReady to completepage, verify the selected settings, then clickFinish.
After completing the wizard, in the Replication type column for this replication, you see a
state. You can fail over, or test, or migrate the protected workload to the destination site. To fail over, the source workload does not need be operational. For more information, see Failover of a replication, or レプリケーションのフェイルオーバーのテスト, or Migrate a replication.