Upgrade by using a specified
In the cloud appliances management interface, you can upgrade
VMware Cloud Director Availability
to the latest version by specifying an online or a local repository that contains the upgrade binaries.- VMware Cloud Director Availabilityアプライアンスをアップグレードするときは、厳密な順序に従ってください。
- Verify that eachVMware Cloud Director Availabilityappliance has a network access to the specified repository.
Perform this procedure multiple
times, to upgrade each
VMware Cloud Director Availability
appliance. - If the network restricts the appliances online Internet access, prepare a local repository with the upgrade files.
- To host the upgrade files inside the internal network, install and configure a local Web server.
- VMware Cloud Director Availabilityrelease.numberアップグレード ディスク イメージを含むVMware-Cloud-Director-Availability-ファイルをダウンロードします。release.number.xxxxxxx-build_sha.iso
- To access the image file contents, mount the downloaded.isofile to a local computer.
- Copy theupdatedirectory to the local Web server.Theupdatedirectory contains the manifest files and thednfsubdirectory.
- Log in to the service management interface of eachVMware Cloud Director Availabilityappliance.
- Open a Web browser and according to the upgrade order go to each management interface address.Upgrade OrderVMware Cloud Director AvailabilityApplianceManagement Interface AddressFirstCloud Director レプリケーション管理アプライアンスhttps://Appliance-IP-Address/ui/adminRepeat for all instancesReplicator Appliancehttps://Replicator-IP-Address/ui/adminLastTunnel Appliancehttps://Tunnel-IP-Address/ui/admin
- Log in by using therootuser credentials.
- In the left pane, clickSettings.
- UnderVersion, next toProduct versionclickCheck for updates.
- Upgrade the cloud appliance by completing theUpdatewizard.
- On theRepositorypage, to specify the repository containing the upgrade files selectUse Specified Repository.
- On theRepository URLtext box, specify the repository URL address then clickNext.
- If the appliance has Internet access, enter the following URL and specify the target versionhttps://packages-prod.broadcom.com/vcav/.4.7/
- Alternatively, enter the URL address of the local repository pointing to theupdate/dnfdirectory of the local Web server. For example, enterhttp://.local-Web-server-address/update/dnf
- On theAvailable updatespage, select an update then clickNext.
- On theRelease notespage, read the notes for this version then clickNext.
- On theCompatibility Checkpage, check the paired on-premises appliances compatibility with the upgrade version and clickNext.If you powered off theTunnel Applianceand allReplicator Applianceinstances before starting the upgrade of theCloud Director レプリケーション管理アプライアンス, the following expected error message shows for each paired site:If you did not power them off until now, once these compatibility checks pass, power them off.Generic Network Error occurred on client side.
- On theEULA Reviewpage, to accept the end-user license agreement clickNext.
- On theReady for updatepage, confirm creating a backup by selecting theI have created a backup archive of the appliance.checkbox then clickFinish.
The upgrade process starts. Wait for the installation process to finish.If you see either of the following messages, wait a few minutes before attempting to log back in:Timeout has occurredorOperation aborted due to an unexpected error. - After the appliance restarts, verify that the upgrade is successful.
- SSH (Secure Shell) クライアントを使用するか、vSphere Clientを使用してアプライアンス コンソールに接続し、rootユーザーとしてログインします。
- Open the upgrade log file.less /var/log/upgrade.log
- When upgrading to version 4.6.x, verify that the upgrade log contains the following log entry near the end.'Postupgrade to 4.6.x complete.'Once the following tailing lines are logged at the end of the log file, the appliance automatically reboots in 15 seconds:[date-timestamp] # set -o pipefail; /usr/bin/systemd-run --on-active=15 /usr/sbin/reboot 2>&1 | /usr/bin/gawk '{ print strftime("[%Y-%m-%d %T %Z]"), $0 }' | tee -a /var/log/upgrade.log 1>&2 [date-timestamp] Running timer as unit: run-re595c8a07fe845bbb87e6c36f866caf2.timer [date-timestamp] Will run service as unit: run-re595c8a07fe845bbb87e6c36f866caf2.serviceThe upgrade was successful! Scheduling reboot in 15 seconds.
After validating that the upgrade is
successful, repeat this procedure for the next appliance, until you upgrade all cloud
appliances in the cloud site, according to the upgrade order in the above
VMware Cloud Director Availability