Upgrading on-premises and provider site

Follow the upgrade path and choose an upgrade method for the currently installed
VMware Cloud Director Availability
version. Follow the
and take both a back up and a snapshot, then choose a source repository for the upgrade files and perform the upgrade.

Upgrade Paths

For on-premises site upgrade to the latest version, use the following upgrade methods, according to the currently installed version.
Current Version
Next Version
Upgrade Method
4.5.x or 4.6.x
Before starting the upgrade:
  • Verify that you take
    of all appliances while powered off.
  • Back up
    each appliance in the site. For more information, see Back up the appliance.
4.4.x or 4.5.x
4.3.x or 4.4.x
4.2.x or 4.3.x
4.0.x or 4.1.x
3.0.x or 3.5.x
You must upgrade only by using the command-line interface, see the legacy Command-Line Upgrading On-Premises procedures.
Interoperability with paired peer sites running earlier
VMware Cloud Director Availability
For information about interoperability between paired sites that run mismatching versions of
VMware Cloud Director Availability
, see ペアリングされたサイトのバージョンの相互運用性.
  • For the
    On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance
    , once you back it up and take a snapshot, before starting the upgrade:
    • Ensure that you have not manually enabled the Photon repository of the appliance.
      To verify for enabled repositories, open an SSH connection to the appliance, log in by using the
      user credentials and run the following command:
      yum -v repolist all | grep enabled
      When no repository is active, the command returns no result and you can proceed with the upgrade.
    • Ensure that you have not installed any packages or third-party software or made any manual modifications of
      configuration files.
  • To complete the upgrade sequence, see アップグレード後の構成.

Upgrade Repository

To upgrade
VMware Cloud Director Availability
, you can configure the appliance to download the upgrade files from one of the following source repositories.
An ISO image
Use an upgrade ISO file mounted in the virtual appliance CD-ROM drive for environments without an external Internet access.
A specified repository
To upgrade multiple appliances or after deploying the appliances in different datastores, specify a repository as a content source:
  • You can specify a local repository where you can upload the upgrade files, for environments where the network restricts the online Internet access to the appliances.
  • Alternatively, with available Internet access, specify
    as an online upgrade repository.