VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions 1.4 Release Notes

This document contains the following sections


VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions 1.4 | 29 FEB 2024 | Build 23376809
Check for additions and updates to these release notes.

About VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions

VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions offers a simple tenant-facing self-service UI for the lifecycle management of data solutions with a single view across multiple instances, and with URL to individual instances for service specific management. Service instances are deployed in the service provider’s VMware Cloud Director-managed VMware vSphere or VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid on-premises infrastructure. The full stack – management to individual data services – is VMware-supported and available on a consumption basis. Service providers have a choice to offer VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions as self-service to data-experienced tenant customers, as a managed data service, or as a sovereign cloud data service.
This extension widens VMware Cloud Director's multi-tenant-safe cloud consumption surface to support the following data solutions on Kubernetes.
  • VMware RabbitMQ
  • VMware SQL with Postgres and VMware SQL with MySQL
  • Mongo DB Enterprise Advanced and Community editions
  • Apache Kafka - Confluent Platform

What's New

VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions 1.4 introduces the following new capabilities:
  • Support for backing up and creating scheduled backup for VMware SQL with Postgres & VMware SQL with MySQL database instances
    • Tenants can create, view, and delete backup locations (Kubernetes clusters) from the new Backup & Restore page.
    • Tenants can create on-demand backups as well as create, pause, and resume schedule backups.
  • Support for restoring backup up for VMware SQL with Postgres & VMware SQL with MySQL database instances
    Tenants can restore a database instance from an existing backup. They can restore it either from the Instances or Backup & Restore page.
  • Support for generating consumption based metering report of database instance
    Service Providers can view the real-time CPU and Memory consumption, per database instance, through UI or API.
  • Support for custom solution templates
    Service providers can perform the following actions on existing solution templates:
    • Clone
    • Edit name and default values
    • Delete non-built in templates
    • Publish or unpublish
  • VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions Enhancements
    • Upgrade of the add-on instance removes all legacy versions of VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions add-on instances.
    • All deployment errors are promoted as a banner.


The new features and documentation of VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions 1.4 are available only in English.


You can upgrade to VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions 1.4 from versions 1.X. See Upgrade VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions.

Supported Browsers

VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions is compatible with the current major and previous major release of the following browsers:
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
You access VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions by using the VMware Cloud Director service provider admin and tenant portals. The Web browsers that VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions supports depend on the VMware Cloud Director version that you run.


In addition to the current release notes, you can use the VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions documentation set at VMware Cloud Director extension for VMware Data Solutions Documentation.

Resolved Issues

The status of the Data Solutions Operator remains pending for a long time
When the guest Kubernetes cluster has multi-control plane nodes, the installation of the Data Solutions Operator might remain pending for hours.

Known Issues

The provider cannot complete the onboarding process after installing VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions to VMware Cloud Director 10.6
After you complete the VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions installation successfuly and proceed to the onboarding process, the onboarding screen is stuck with no available data.
: Log out and log in to the VMware Cloud Director provider portal again.
Upgrading the VMware RabbitMQ solution to version 3.12 fails with an error
If you upgrade the VMware RabbitMQ solution to version 3.12, the Kubernetes pod crashes and the status message in the instance Resource Details tab is
NoEndpointsAvailable: The service has no endpoints available
The issue is observed when the pre-upgrade actions are not completed. See Upgrading RabbitMQ in the
VMware RabbitMQ for Kubernetes Product Documentation.
Workaround 1:
  1. Enable all feature flags by using the entering the following command for the target RabbitMQ instance:
    rabbitmqctl enable_feature_flag all
  2. Retry the VMware RabbitMQ solution upgrade to version 3.12.
Workaround 2:
  1. Enable all feature flags in the Rabbit MQ management console. See Feature Flags in the
    VMware RabbitMQ for Kubernetes Product Documentation.
  2. Retry the VMware RabbitMQ solution upgrade to version 3.12.
VMware data solutions deployment fails with an error
When the cloud provider tries to deploy an instance of VMware RabbitMQ, VMware SQL with Postgres, or VMware SQL with MySQL, the deployment fails with the following error:
pull access denied for registry.tanzu.vmware.com/packages-for-vmware-tanzu-data-services/tds-packages, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: The EULA for this release can be accepted ...
 The issue is observed because the EULA agreement has been changed.
Re-sign the EULA for Packages for VMware Tanzu Data Services, similar to the process in Accept Tanzu Application Platform EULAs and installing Tanzu CLI in the
VMware Tanzu Application Platform Product Documentation