Install and configure the Master Plugin
As part of the post-installation process, you need to install, configure, and upgrade
the Master Plugin. The Master Plugin enables your Salt masters to communicate with
Automation Config
. The Master Plugin includes
a variety of settings you can adjust to improve performance, which are particularly useful for
large or busy environments.Typically, you install the Master Plugin on every Salt master in your environment that
communicates with
Automation Config
. For
example, if you are using a configuration with more than one Salt master (sometimes called
a multi-master setup), you must install the Master Plugin on each Salt master.Before you start
Installing and configuring the Master Plugin
is one post-installation step in a series of several steps that should be followed in a
specific order. First, complete one of the installation scenarios and then read the
Install the license
key post-installation page.
If you are in a non air-gapped environment,
dependencies are installed automatically with the Master Plug-in. For air-gapped
environments, refer to the Install the Salt Master Plugin on air-gapped
systems knowledge base article.
When do you need to install the
Master Plugin?
You need to
install the Master Plugin on all of your Salt masters after a fresh installation of
Automation Config
. The Master Plugin is
not necessary on Salt masters that do not need to communicate with Automation Config
.If you have multiple masters, you
still need to install the Master Plugin on your other masters.
If you are
manually installing
Automation Config
recommended), you should complete the following before you install the Master
Plugin:- Install and configure the PostgreSQL database
- Install and configure the Redis database
- Enable SSL (optional)
With any release,
it is recommended that you update your Master Plugin configuration by generating a
default config file and then applying any settings you want to preserve from your
existing configuration. For
# sseapi-config --default >/tmp/raas.conf # cd /etc/salt/master.d # vim -d raas.conf /tmp/raas.conf ...
If you installed Salt using onedir, the path to this executable
.Install the Master Plugin Using the
Master Plugins Workspace
This feature is supported for
Automation Config
versions 8.11.2 or
later. The Salt master must be run as root.
You can download and install the latest
master plugin version from the
Automation Config
user interface by navigating to . From the Master Plugins tab, you can either download the plugin or
download the client. 
After downloading the master plugin, you
must then Configure the Master Plugin.
Install the Master Plugin Using
To install the Master Plugin on your Salt
8.13.0 릴리스부터 마스터 플러그인에는 이제 RaaS 서버에서 Salt 마스터로 대상 그룹 일치를 오프로드하는 tgtmatch 엔진이 포함되어 있습니다. 특히 다음을 사용하는 환경에서 대상 그룹 일치를 보다 원활하게 수행할 수 있도록 tgtmatch 엔진을 사용하도록 설정하고 구성하는 것이 좋습니다.
- 많은 수의 대상 그룹(100개 이상)
- 많은 수의 미니언(3000개 이상)
- 잦은 미니언 입자 변경(매일 또는 더 자주)
- 잦은 미니언 생성 및 삭제(매일 또는 더 자주)
Salt 마스터에서 대상 일치 데이터를 제공하도록 RaaS를 구성하려면 RaaS Config 파일(/etc/raas/raas)에 다음 설정이 있는지 확인합니다.
target_groups_from_master_only: true
- Log in to your Salt master.
- If necessary, download the Master Plugin wheel from Customer Connect.The Master Plugin is included in the Automated Installer .tar.gz file. After you download and extract the .tar.gz file, you can find the Master Plugin in thesse-installer/salt/sse/eapi_plugin/filesdirectory.
- Upgrade the Master Plugin by manually uninstalling and reinstalling the updated Python wheel. Use the following example commands, replacing the exact name of the wheel file:The existing plugin must be uninstalled to prevent multiple instances of sseapi-config.pip3 uninstall SSEAPE- mv /etc/salt/master.d/raas.conf /tmp salt-call pip.install SSEAPE- cp /tmp/raas.conf /etc/salt/master.d/raas.conf systemctl restart salt-master
Configure the Master Plugin
To configure the Salt master after
installing the Master Plugin:
- Log in to your Salt master and verify the/etc/salt/master.ddirectory exists, or create it.
- Generate the master configuration settings.If you want to preserve your settings when upgrading your installation, make a backup of your existing Master Plugin configuration file before running this step. Then copy relevant settings from your existing configuration to the newly generated file.sudo sseapi-config --all > /etc/salt/master.d/raas.confIf you installed Salt using onedir, the path to this executable is/opt/saltstack/salt/extras-3.10/bin/sseapi-config.
- Edit the generatedraas.conffile and update the values as follows:ValueDescriptionsseapi_ssl_validate_certValidates the certificate the API (RaaS) uses. The default isTrue.If you are using your own CA-issued certificates, set this value toTrueand configure thesseapi_ssl_ca,sseapi_ssl_cert, andsseapi_ssl_cert:settings.Otherwise, set this toFalseto not validate the certificate.sseapi_ssl_validate_cert:Falsesseapi_serverHTTP IP address of your RaaS node, for example,, orhttps://example.comif SSL is enabled.sseapi_command_age_limitSets the age (in seconds) after which old, potentially stale jobs are skipped. For example, to skip jobs older than a day, set it to:sseapi_command_age_limit:86400Skipped jobs continue to exist in the database and display with a status ofCompletedin theAutomation Configuser interface.Some environments might need the Salt master to be offline for long periods of time and will need the Salt master to run any jobs that were queued after it comes back online. If this applies to your environment, set the age limit to0.sseapi_windows_minion_deploy_delaySets a delay to allow all requisite Windows services to become active. The default value is 180 seconds.sseapi_linux_minion_deploy_delaySets a delay to allow all requisite Linux services to become activate. The default value is 90 seconds.sseapi_local_cache load: 3600 tgt: 86400 pillar: 3600 exprmatch: 86400 tgtmatch: 86400Sets the length of time that certain data is cached locally on each salt master. Values are in seconds. The example values are recommended values.
- load- salt save_load() payloads
- tgt- SSE target groups
- pillar- SSE pillar data (encrypted)
- exprmatch- SSE target expression matching data
- tgtmatch- SSE target group matching data
- OPTIONAL:This step is necessary for manual installations only. To verify you can connect to SSL before connecting the Master Plugin, edit the generatedraas.conffile to update the following values. If you do not update these values, the Master Plugin uses the default generated certificate.ValueDescriptionsseapi_ssl_caThe path to a CA file.sseapi_ssl_certThe path to the certificate. The default value is/etc/pki/raas/certs/localhost.crt.sseapi_ssl_keyThe path to the certificate’s private key. The default value is/etc/pki/raas/certs/localhost.key.idComment this line out by adding a#at the beginning. It is not required.
- OPTIONAL:Update performance-related settings. For large or busy environments, you can improve the performance of the communications between the Salt master andAutomation Configby adjusting the following settings.
- Configure the master plugin engines:The master plugineventqueueandrpcqueueengines offload some communications withAutomation Configfrom performance-critical code paths to dedicated processes. While the engines are waiting to communicate withAutomation Config, payloads are stored in the Salt master’s local filesystem so the data can persist across restarts of the Salt master. Thetgtmatchengine moves the calculation of minion target group matches from the RaaS server to the salt-masters.To enable the engines, ensure that the following settings are present in the Salt Master Plugin configuration file (raas.conf):engines: - sseapi: {} - eventqueue: {} - rpcqueue: {} - jobcompletion: {} - tgtmatch: {}To configure theeventqueueengine, verify that the following settings are present:sseapi_event_queue: name: sseapi-events strategy: always push_interval: 5 batch_limit: 2000 age_limit: 86400 size_limit: 35000000 vacuum_interval: 86400 vacuum_limit: 350000The queue parameters can be adjusted with consideration to how they work together. For example, assuming an average of 400 events per second on the Salt event bus, the settings shown above allow for about 24 hours of queued event traffic to collect on the Salt master before the oldest events are discarded due to size or age limits.To configure therpcqueueengine, verify the following settings in raas.conf:sseapi_rpc_queue: name: sseapi-rpc strategy: always push_interval: 5 batch_limit: 500 age_limit: 3600 size_limit: 360000 vacuum_interval: 86400 vacuum_limit: 100000tgtmatch 엔진을 구성하려면 이러한 설정이 마스터 플러그인 구성 파일(/etc/salt/master.d/raas.conf)에 있는지 확인합니다.engines: - sseapi: {} - eventqueue: {} - rpcqueue: {} - jobcompletion: {} - tgtmatch: {} sseapi_local_cache: load: 3600 tgt: 86400 pillar: 3600 exprmatch: 86400 tgtmatch: 86400 sseapi_tgt_match: poll_interval: 60 workers: 0 nice: 19To make use of target matching on the salt-masters, the following config setting must also be present in the RaaS configuration:target_groups_from_master_only: true.
- Limit minion grains payload sizes:sseapi_max_minion_grains_payload: 2000
- Enable skipping jobs that are older than a defined time (in seconds). For example, use86400to set it to skip jobs older than a day. When set to0, this feature is disabled:sseapi_command_age_limit:0During system upgrades, enabling this setting is useful to prevent old commands stored in the database from running unexpectedly.
Together, event queuing in Salt and the queuing engines, salt-master target matching, grains payload size limit, and command age limit in the Salt Master Plugin increase the throughput and reduce the latency of communications between the Salt master andAutomation Configin the most performance-sensitive code paths. - Restart the master service.sudo systemctl restart salt-master
- OPTIONAL:You might want to run a test job to ensure the Master Plugin is now enabling communication between the master and the RaaS node.salt -v '*'
Even if no activity shows, such as if no
minions are connected, this is likely a sign of a correct configuration.
Configuration settings
These settings in the configuration file
enable each Salt master to connect to the API (RaaS). You can find these settings in the
configuration file.Salt master settings in the raas.conf
file take precedence over existing settings in
. If
you have customized the fileserver_backend
settings in /etc/salt/master
, you
need to manually merge these settings so that they appear in one file only. You can
optionally re-order the backends to change precedence.The following table explains the general
configuration settings:
Option | Description |
| Salt master ID, autogenerated if not set |
| URL of SSEAPI server, e.g. |
| Salt engines to enable, recommend sseapi ,
eventqueue , rpcqueue ,
jobcompletion . |
| sseapi to use the Automation Config master job cache |
| Salt event returner, recommend sseapi to use the
Automation Config event
returner |
| external pillar sources, recommended sseapi |
| file server backends, recommended sseapi and
roots |
| how frequently to update from file server (seconds, default 60) |
| how frequently to poll Automation Config for new data (seconds, default 30) |
| adds a delay between iterations in the jobcompletion
engine so a maximum of 5760 find_job commands are sent per
day per Salt master (seconds, default 15) |
| timeout for API (RaaS) calls (seconds, default 200) |
| Salt master Automation Config authentication key rotation interval (seconds,
default 86400) |
| whether to cache pillar data within Automation Config (True or False, default False) |
| (optional) Salt master cluster name, for grouping Salt masters into
clusters within Automation Config |
| whether this Salt master is a failover Salt master (True or False,
default False) |
| whether to skip API (RaaS) commands older than a defined time (seconds,
0 to disable, default 0) |
The following table explains the SSL
Option | Description |
| path to the certificate’s private key |
| path to the certificate |
| whether to validate the Automation Config SSL certificate (True or False, default
True) |
The following table explains the Event Queue
Engine settings, which appear under the
heading:Option | Description |
| Event queue name (default sseapi-events , no need to
change this) |
| When to queue events ( always ,
on_failure , or never , default
never ) |
| How often to push events to Automation Config (seconds, default 5) |
| Maximum number of events to push to Automation Config per interval (default 2000) |
| Maximum queued event age; drop oldest events (seconds, default
86400) |
| Maximum queue size; drop oldest events (events, default
35000000) |
| How often to vacuum the queue database (seconds, default 86400) |
| Maximum queue size when vacuuming the queue database (events, default
350000) |
The following table explains the RPC Queue
Engine settings, which appear under the
heading:Option | Description |
| Event queue name (default sseapi-rpc , no need to change
this) |
| When to queue events ( always ,
on_failure , or never , default
never ) |
| How often to send calls to Automation Config (seconds, default 5) |
| Maximum number of calls to push to Automation Config per interval (default 500) |
| Maximum queued call age; drop oldest entries (seconds, default
3600) |
| Maximum queue size; drop oldest entries (events, default 360000) |
| How often to vacuum the queue database (seconds, default 86400) |
| Maximum queue size when vacuuming the queue database (entries, default
100000) |
The following table explains the target
matching engine settings, which appear under the
Option | Description |
poll_interval | How often, in seconds, the engine should request updated target group
information from RaaS (default 60) |
workers | How many worker processes should be created to do target group
matching calculations. The default value (0) creates one process per CPU
core up to a limit of 8. |
nice | The priority niceness of target group matching workers. The default
(19) gives the workers the lowest scheduling priority to prevent
interference with other processes running on the salt-master. |
The following table explains the Path
settings. After initial configuration generation be careful changing these settings.
Modules will be copied into these directories from the installation process. However,
adding extra paths will not have an adverse effect.
Option | Description |
| beacons External Modules Path(s) |
| engines External Modules Path(s) |
| fileserver External Modules Path(s) |
| pillar External Modules Path(s) |
| returner External Modules Path(s) |
| roster External Modules Path(s) |
| runner External Modules Path(s) |
| Salt External Modules Path(s) |
| proxy External Modules Path(s) |
| metaproxy External Modules Path(s) |
| states External Modules Path(s) |
What to do next
installing and configuring the Master Plugin, you must complete additional
post-installation steps. The next step is to configure the RaaS node. To continue the
post-installation process, see RaaS 구성 파일 확인.