Creating a Subscription
You can use event topics as part of Event Broker subscriptions to define lifecycle extensibility.
To select the most appropriate event topic, it is important to evaluate if the event is triggered at the right step of the process and if it carries the payload necessary to perform the extensibility operation.
The payload can be identified with selecting the different event topics.
Read Only - No
tag is used for properties that support both read and write operations. With read and write operations, it is possible to use a workflow output to set the property back in VMware Aria Automation. To do this, it is mandatory to set the subscription to be blockable. For more information on blockable extensibility subscriptions, see Blocking event topics
in Using and Managing VMware Aria Automation Automation Assembler
.The following are some of the event topics support setting properties:
- Compute reservationis used to change the placement.
- Compute allocationis used to change resource names or hosts
- Compute post provisionis used to after deployment resources are provisioned.
- Network configureis used to configure the network profile and individual network settings.
For more information on event topics included in VMware Aria Automation 8.x, see
Event topics provided with Automation Assembler
in Using and Managing VMware Aria Automation Automation Assembler
.Extensibility subscriptions in VMware Aria Automation 8.x work similarly to the subscriptions included in vRealize Automation 7.x. However, there are some key differences:
- You cannot bind a workflow for all events anymore.
- The conditions for running the subscription are now based on JavaScript.
- Subscriptions can be scoped to individual projects or configured to be shared across all projects in a given organization.
- You can set a recover workflow in case the subscription workflow fails.
- Timeout behavior is similar with some differences:
- VMware Aria Automation uses a timeout for the workflows being started by Event Broker blocking subscriptions. If a workflow run lasts more than the set timeout period, then it is considered failed by VMware Aria Automation.
- In vRealize Automation 7.x, the default timeout value for all states and events is 30 minutes and is configured in the VMware Aria Automation global settings.
- In both vRealize Automation 7.x and VMware Aria Automation 8.x a timeout value can be set at the subscription level.The default timeout period in VMware Aria Automation 8.x is 10 minutes and that you should change the project request timeout if it is lower than the subscription timeout.
- In vRealize Automation 7.x, it is also possible to configure individual state and event timeout values by changing configuration files in the IaaS server.
- Priority defines the order of running blocking subscription where 0 means highest priority and 10 means lowest priority. The default value is 10.