Palo Alto 검색 쿼리
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
에서 Palo Alto 엔티티 세부 정보를 검색할 수 있습니다.다음은 몇 가지 샘플 검색 쿼리입니다.
엔티티 | 쿼리 |
Palo Alto 주소 | Palo Alto address where vm = <> VM where Address
= <> |
Palo Alto 주소 그룹 | Palo Alto
address group where Translated VMs = <> VM where address
group = <> |
Palo Alto 디바이스 | Palo Alto Device where Version = <> Palo Alto Device
where connected = true Palo Alto Device
where family = 'PA-5060' |
Palo Alto 물리적 디바이스 | Palo Alto Physical Device where model = 'PA-5060' |
Palo Alto VM 디바이스 | Palo Alto VM Device where model = 'PA-VM' |
Palo Alto 디바이스 그룹 | Palo Alto Device Group where device = <> Palo Alto Device
Group where address = <> Palo Alto Device
Group where address group = <> |
Palo Alto 서비스 | Palo Alto
service where Port = <> Palo Alto
service where Protocol = <> |
Palo Alto 서비스 그룹 | Palo Alto service group where Member = <> |
Palo Alto 정책 | Palo Alto Policy
where Source vm = <> and Destination vm = <>
Palo Alto Policy where Source IP = <> and
Destination IP = <> |
Palo Alto 방화벽 | Palo Alto firewall where Rule = <> |
Palo Alto 영역 | Palo Alto Zone where device = <> |
Palo Alto 가상 시스템 | Palo Alto
Virtual System where Device = <> Palo Alto
Virtual System where Device Group = <> |
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