VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle

Content is a collection of files that contain definitions that represent software defined services.
After you add a content endpoint to one or more environments, you can manage the software-defined content that each environment contains. Use
VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
to perform the following content operations:
  • Capture content from an endpoint.
  • Deploy to test and run unit tests.
  • Check in content.
  • Release content to production.
Content examples include a YAML file for a
VMware Aria Automation
cloud template or an XML file for a
VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator
workflow. Content is linked. For example,when you capture a
VMware Aria Automation
cloud template, all its dependencies are displayed in the content catalog.
VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
displays dependency information within each content version.
The / character cannot be used in a name value or export fails.