Configure infrastructure details
To configure infrastructure details when you create a product environment, use
VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
. If the selected datacenter does not have an associated
, add avCenter
. - Select avCenterfrom the drop-down menu.There should be at least onevCenterassociated with a datacenter.
- Select aCluster.
- When you clickSelect a Folder, all folders that are associated in thevCenterare listed.If folders are not displayed, refreshvCenterdata collection from theVMware Aria Suite Lifecyclesettings page.
- To deploy your VM, clickSelect a Resource Pool.All the resource pools that are associated with the selected cluster are listed.You can select a resource pool to deploy your VM. Both folder and resource pool selection are optional. If you do not specify a resource pool, the VM is deployed in the root default resource pool of the selected cluster. If you do not specify the folder details for bothvCenterand a resource pool, the VM deployment is saved in the root default VM folder of the datacenter inside thevCenter.
- Select the requiredNetwork,DataStore, andDisk Disk Mode.VMware Aria Operationsdeployment fails when you provide incorrect infrastructure details such as wrong DNS or gateway details without running a pre-check while you create an environment flow. If the deployment fails, you might not see the correct cause of deployment failure using the error or code message that appears inVMware Aria Suite LifecycleUI, and you cannot proceed further with that deployment. As a result, you might have to delete the environment card fromVMware Aria Suite Lifecyclewith all the products or nodes that were deployed as part of that environment. You can run pre-check so that the Infrastructure-related issues are detected and can be corrected before starting the deployment.
- WithVMware Aria Suite Lifecycle, to integrate withVMware Workspace ONE Access, toggle onIntegrate with Identity Manager.The default configuration admin given while installingVMware Workspace ONE Access(global environment) are made the admin for the product as well while integrating withVMware Workspace ONE Access.VMware Workspace ONE Accessacts as an identity provider and manages SSO for theVMware Aria Suiteproducts andVMware Aria Suite Lifecyclewhen integrated withVMware Aria Suite Lifecycle. SSO provides a single set of credentials to access allVMware Aria Suiteapplications andVMware Aria Suite Lifecycle. With SSO, you are only required to log in once, and then you can seamlessly access allVMware Aria Suiteapplications.
- To integrate withVMwareIdentity Broker as a Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication server, toggle onIntegrate with VMware SSO.Complete the Product Property information in the fields that appear:
- Datacenter. Enter theVMware Aria Suite Lifecycledatacenter.
- vCenter Host. Enter thevCenterthat belongs to the datacenter and whereVMwareIdentity Broker is a built-in container.
- Default Tenant. Leave the default value set tocustomer.
- User Type. Selectuserorgroup.
- User. Enter the username of the user with SSO privileges to integrate withVMwareIdentity Broker.
- Domain. Enter the domain that the user belongs to.Domain is required forVMware Aria Automation OrchestratorandVMware Aria Operations for Logs. It is not required forVMware Aria Operations.
If you import an existing environment and choose to import aVMware Aria Suiteproduct that hasVMwareIdentity Broker integration configured, the Product Property information is populated with discovered properties for SSO integration. - To use OVFs hosted on avCentercontent library if there is a network latency fromVMware Aria Suite LifecycletovCenter, toggle onUse Content Library.Copying OVF and VMDK files for deployment fromVMware Aria Suite LifecycletovCentermight take more time and lead to a deployment failure if there is a network latency fromVMware Aria Suite Lifecycleto the targetvCenter. Content libraries invCentercan be used to host OVFs. They can also be used fromVMware Aria Suite Lifecycleto deploy products. You can perform the steps before you start avCenterinventory sync operation inVMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.
- To create a content library, see Create Library.
- To import a content library, see Import Library.
VMware Aria Suite Lifecyclesupports deployment only from publisher or local content libraries. - To configureBinary Mapping, clickNext.