Installing and configuring VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions
VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions
Before you start using
VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions
, you must meet certain prerequisites. Use this checklist to prepare for the installation.- Verify that you are usingVMware Cloud Directorversion 10.4.3 or 10.5.1.
- Verify that you have installedVMware Cloud Director Container Service Extensionversion 4.1.1 or 4.2.0 to yourVMware Cloud Director.
- Verify that you have configured your solution add-on landing zone inVMware Cloud Director. SeeConfigure Your Solution Add-On Landing Zone in VMware Cloud Directorin theVMware Cloud Director Documentation.
- If you plan to installVMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutionsby using the CLI, verify that you have a client machine, which has a network connectivity to aVMware Cloud DirectorREST endpoint. The operating system on the machine can be Windows or Linux.
- ForVMware Data Solutions, for example,VMware RabbitMQ, verify that you have created a user account for theVMware Harbor RegistryforTanzu. See the Broadcom Customer Support Portal.
- ForVMware Data Solutions, for example,VMware RabbitMQ, verify that after completing the registration at theVMware Tanzu 네트워크portal, you sign the EULA for Packages forVMware TanzuData Services, similar to the process inAccept Tanzu Application Platform EULAs and installing Tanzu CLIin theVMware Tanzu Application Platform Product Documentation.