Install the vCenter Cloud Gateway
Appliance from the Graphical Installer
Download and install the
vCenter Cloud Gateway Appliance
if you want to enable Hybrid Linked Mode from your
on-premises SDDC or access other features of the vCenter Cloud Gateway Appliance
. Verify that the host on which you
intend to the install the
vCenter Cloud Gateway Appliance
meets the following hardware requirements.
Hardware | Minimum required |
CPUs | 8 |
Memory | 24 GB |
Storage | 190 GB |
- Download the VMwarevCenter Cloud Gateway Appliancefrom are directed to My VMware, where you can complete the download of the appliance installer ISO image.
- In the installer ISO image, browse to theui-installerfolder and open the folder for the operating system from which you want to install the appliance.
- For Windows OS, go thewin32subdirectory and run theinstaller.exefile.
- For Linux OS, go to thelin64subdirectory, and run theinstallerfile.
- For Mac OS, go to themacsubdirectory and run theInstaller.appfile.
- ClickGet Started.
- UnderDeploy vCenter Cloud Gateway, clickStart.
- Accept the End-User License agreement.
- Specify the Gateway deployment parameters and clickNext.옵션단계장치를 배포하려는ESXi호스트에 연결할 수 있습니다.
- ESXi호스트의 FQDN 또는 IP 주소를 입력합니다.
- ESXi호스트의 HTTPS 포트를 입력합니다.
- ESXi호스트에 대한 관리자 권한이 있는 사용자(예: 루트 사용자)의 사용자 이름과 암호를 입력합니다.
- 다음을 클릭합니다.
- 인증서 주의가 대상ESXi호스트에 설치된 SSL 인증서의 SHA1 지문을 표시하는지 확인한 후예를 클릭하여 인증서 지문을 수락합니다.
vCenter Server인스턴스에 연결하고 인벤토리를 찾아 장치를 배포할ESXi호스트 또는 DRS 클러스터를 선택할 수 있습니다.- vCenter Server인스턴스의 FQDN 또는 IP 주소를 입력합니다.
- vCenter Server인스턴스의 HTTPS 포트를 입력합니다.
- vCenter Server인스턴스에 대한 vCenter Single Sign-On 관리자 권한이 있는 사용자(예: administrator@your_domain_name사용자)의 사용자 이름과 암호를 입력합니다.
- 다음을 클릭합니다.
- 인증서 주의가 대상vCenter Server인스턴스에 설치된 SSL 인증서의 SHA1 지문을 표시하는지 확인한 후예를 클릭하여 인증서 지문을 수락합니다.
- 장치를 배포할ESXi호스트 또는 DRS 클러스터가 포함된 데이터 센터 또는 데이터 센터 폴더를 선택한 후다음을 클릭합니다.잠금 모드 또는 유지 보수 모드에 있지 않은 하나 이상의ESXi호스트가 포함된 데이터 센터나 데이터 센터 폴더를 선택해야 합니다.
- 장치를 배포할ESXi호스트 또는 DRS 클러스터를 선택한 후다음을 클릭합니다.
- Set up the target appliance VM and clickNext.ParameterDescriptionVM nameEnter a name for thevCenter Cloud Gateway ApplianceVM. The appliance name must not contain a percent sign (%), backslash (\), or forward slash (/) and must be no more than 80 characters in length.Set root passwordSet a root password for thevCenter Cloud Gateway ApplianceVM.The password must contain only lower ASCII characters without spaces, at least eight characters, a number, uppercase and lowercase letters, and a special character, for example, an exclamation mark (!), hash key (#), at sign (@), or brackets (()).Confirm root passwordConfirm the password you set above.
- Select the datastore location for thevCenter Cloud Gateway Applianceand clickNext.
- Select the datastore where you want to place thevCenter Cloud Gateway Appliance.
- SelectEnable Thin Disk Modeto conserve disk space by deploying the appliance using a thin disk.
- Configure the network settings for the appliance and clickNext.ParameterDescriptionNetworkSelect the network.The networks displayed in the drop-down menu depend on the network settings of the target server. If you are deploying the appliance directly on anESXihost, non-ephemeral distributed virtual port groups are not supported and are not displayed in the drop-down menu.IP versionSelect the version for the appliance IP address.You can select either IPv4 or IPv6.IP assignmentSelect how to allocate the IP address of the appliance.
- staticThe wizard prompts you to enter the IP address and network settings.Avoid using an IP address as a system name. If you use an IP address as a system name, you cannot change the IP address and update the DNS settings after deployment.
- DHCPA DHCP server is used to allocate the IP address. Select this option only if a DHCP server is available in your environment.
FQDNIf you have an enabled DDNS in your environment, you can enter a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the appliance. If you enter a FQDN that exists, the installer warns you that this will cause an error in deployment unless you isolate the network that the appliance is on. For example, you can deploy the appliance on a different port group from the existing FQDN.IP addressIf you selected a static IP address, enter the IP address for the appliance. If you enter an IP address that exists, the installer warns you that this will cause an error in deployment unless you isolate the network that the appliance is on. For example, you can deploy the appliance on a different port group from the existing IP address.Subnet mask or prefix lengthEnter the subnet mask or prefix length for the IP address.Default GatewayEnter the default gateway to be used by the appliance.DNS ServersEnter the addresses of the DNS servers used by the appliance. - Configure appliance Settings and clickNext.
- SelectSynchronize Time with NTP serversand enter the address of one or more NTP servers in the text box to use NTP servers for time synchronization.
- SelectSynchronize Time with ESXi hostto synchronize time to the host you're deploying to.
- Log in to your on-premises SSO domain and clickNext.
- ClickYesto accept the certificate warning.
- ClickFinishto deploy the appliance.
vCenter Cloud Gateway Appliance
is deployed to your on-premises environment. A
progress bar shows the progress of deployment. After you have installed the
appliance, consider configuring appliance log collection following the guidelines in
VMware Knowledge Base article
67158. Appliance logs are useful when requesting support.