
Updates array manager name and connection parameters for the SRA. Performs array discovery as part of reconfigure operation. Ensures that all existing configured array pairs are not affected by the connection specs changes and are still discovered. Array discovery is not performed if only name change is requested and connection specs are unchanged.


@task void reconfigure( String name, @optional AdapterConnectionSpec[] connectionSpec)
returns a task instance to monitor the asynchronous operation of this method. It has the following parameters:
New name.
New connection parameters.
Connection parameters for the SRA provided by the user. For more information, see GetAdapterConnectionSpec.
If a task fails, its error field may contain one of the following:
  • drextapi.fault.ArrayPairNotFound
    - if arrays are not found for already configured array pair.
  • drextapi.fault.CommandFailed
    - if SRA failed to execute discoverArrays command.
  • drextapi.fault.DuplicateName
    - if an array manager with the same name already exists.
  • drextapi.fault.DuplicateArray
    - if array, which is already discovered by another array manager with the same SRA, was discovered
  • drextapi.fault.InvalidAdapterConnectionSpec
    - if connectionSpec doesn't match the internal StorageAdapter connection spec typically, a more specific fault is thrown.
  • drextapi.fault.StringArgumentTooLong
    - if the size of the name parameter is too long.
  • drextapi.fault.StorageAdapterNotFound
    - if SRA was not found for this array manager.


  • RuntimeFault
  • TaskInProgress