This method associates an
object with an
inventory-mapped protected site network. This must be called on secondary (recovery) site.
The protectedNetwork should be mapped to recoveryNetwork by
#InventoryMapper.addNetworkMappings() for the IPMapping to be applied to VMs connected to
recoveryNetwork during IP customization. If an IPMapping had been already associated with
the protectedNetwork, then it gets replaced by the new IPMapping. Up to 1 IPMapping
containing multiple SubnetRule rules can be associated with any given protected site network
at any time. If the destination (recovery) network is associated with a Test Network on the
recovery site, then the ipMapping will be applied to the test network as well. This method
requires privilege on destinationNetwork.Synopsis
void addIpMapping(vim.Network protectedNetwork, vim.Network recoveryNetwork, IPMapping ipMapping)
has the following parameters:Parameter | Description |
| Primary site network |
| Secondary site network |
| IPMapping to associate with the existing Network
Mapping. For more information, see GetIpSubnetMappings. |
- ConnectionDownFault
- IpMappingFault
- InvalidArgument
- MissingNetworkMapping
- RemoteSiteNotAuthenticated
- RemoteSiteNotEnabled
- RuntimeFault
- StringArgumentTooLong
- UnknownPrimaryNetwork
- UnknownSecondaryNetwork
For information about the faults that
Site Recovery Manager
throws, see Faults in Site Recovery Manager API.