Retrieves the list
of virtual machines currently protected in the specified protection group, with
information about their placeholder VM and protection state.
ProtectionGroup.ProtectedVm[] listProtectedVms( )
is an
array of ProtectedVm data objects with the following fields:
| Description
| any faults associated with this protected
virtual machine
| the protected virtual machine needs to be
configured or repaired
| the protected virtual machine identifier on
the remote site
| the protection state on the remote site
| the protected virtual machine identifier on
the local site
| the protection state of this particular
virtual machine
| the locally protected virtual machine (this
reference is valid after reprotect or revert operations)
| the name of the locally protected virtual
machine. |
| A DR-service (SRM)
specific globally unique identifier for the virtual machine
associated with this ProtectedVm object and similarly for the
virtual machine associated with this ProtectedVm object's peer
(e.g. the recovered virtual machine). This identifier is
generated by an SRM server; it does not necessarily correspond
to any identifier in vCenter or any other service. The value of
this property is the same in the peer ProtectedVm managed
object. The value is immutable and is maintained on both sites
after failover and reprotect+failback. After this virtual
machine is unprotected (ProtectedVm object is removed) the value
of this identity may be reused but only by a ProtectedVm
instance that is subsequently protecting the same virtual
machine. There is no
guarantee that a virtual machine's drVmIdentity value
remains the same even if it is unprotected and then
reprotected. Maintaining this value is currently only a
best-effort operation. |
Example for
List < SrmProtectionGroupProtectedVm > protectedVms = srmPortType.listProtectedVms(ManagedObjectReference _this); Where ManagedObjectReference _this = _protectionGroupRef; where _protectionGroupRef can be taken from: SrmServiceInstanceContent content = _srmPortType.retrieveContent(_svcRef); ManagedObjectReference _protectionRef = content.getProtection(); List < ManagedObjectReference > groups = srmPortType.listProtectionGroups(_protectionRef); _protectionGroupRef = groups.get(0);