This method
returns the configured inventory mappings. You establish placeholder datastores
as described in the VMware Site Recovery Manager Documentation. You establish
inventory mappings using the
, and
methods documented in this manual, or using procedures described in the VMware
Site Recovery Manager Documentation.
The destinations of each of the resources (network, resource pool, and folder) are
not available in the data structure that is returned. If necessary, use the following:
Protection.InventoryMappingInfo listInventoryMappings( )
is a list of inventory mappings from the
protected site to the recovery site: - foldersis a list of mapped VirtualMachine Folders.
- networksis a list of mapped virtual machine Networks and dvPortgroups.
- poolsis a list of mapped Resource Pools.
- testNetworksis a list of mapped networks to test networks.
Method to list
inventory mappings
SrmProtectionInventoryMappingInfo info = srmPortType.listInventoryMappings(ManagedObjectReference _this); Where ManagedObjectReference _this = _protectionRef; where _protectionRef can be taken from: SrmServiceInstanceContent content = _srmPortType.retrieveContent(_svcRef); ManagedObjectReference _protectionRef = content.getProtection();