
Gets the recovery settings for the specified virtual machine.


RecoverySettings GetRecoverySettings (VirtualMachine vm)
is the Virtual Machine whose Recovery Settings are to be retrieved.
– the VM recovery settings for presentation in the user interface, including:
  • changeVersion
    – change version control. When reconfiguring an existing Protected workload this value must be set and must match the most recent value. For settings on newly added VMs, leave this unset.
  • status
    – recovery status. This enumerates the following values:
    • ok
      - There are no recovery setting conditions to alert to the user.
    • syncConflict
      - Synchronization error. The settings are in a sync conflict with the remote site. Use the SRM user interface to clear the conflict.
  • recoveryPriority
    – the recovery priority for this VM. This enumerates the following values:
    • highest
    • higher
    • normal
    • lower
    • lowest
  • skipGuestShutdown
    – configure the shutdown behavior for this workload during real failover not to attempt a guest shutdown, even if VMware Tools are enabled.
  • powerOffTimeoutSeconds
    – configure the timeout for guest shutdown operations for this VM.
  • finalPowerState
    – final power state for this VM after recovery.
  • localFaultToleranceState
    – configure FT override setting for this VM when it will be failed back.
  • remoteFaultToleranceState
    – configure an FT override setting for this VM after recovery.
  • powerOnTimeoutSeconds
    – configure the timeout for VMware Tools to respond with a heartbeat.
  • powerOnDelaySeconds
    – configure the fixed time delay after power‐on operations for this workload.
  • Callout[] prePowerOnCallouts
    – before power‐on Callouts (commands or prompts).
  • Callout[] postPowerOnCallouts
    – after power‐on Callouts.
  • Callout
    - Base class for all Callouts (Commands or Prompts). It has the following fields:
    • description
      - Name/description of the Callout, for display purposes in UI. A short description or name of the Callout for display purposes in the UI.
    • uuid
      - UUID of the Callout, used by the UI for editing. This string should follow the definition of the string representation of a UUID as per RFC 4122. An example of a UUID is "08e3c162-9213-ff31-681b-ff6e35f2ac1b".
  • Prompt
    - Specifies a Callout which pauses the execution of the recovery script and display a message until the user presses continue. It contains the
    is the text to display while running a recovery. This text will be displayed in the SRM UI and be placed in the SNMP Trap.
    is a non-empty string. The maximum valid length is 4096 characters.
  • Command
    - This class specifies a Command which runs during a Recovery, either on the server or on the recovered VM. If the command returns a non-zero value, then recovery indicates that an error has occurred. This Command can be inserted before or after a particular VM is powered on. If inserted after a particular VM is powered on, the Command may be run either on the SRM server machine or inside the recovered VM that was just powered on.
    This class has the following fields:
    • command
      - Command to run while running a recovery. Non-empty string. The maximum valid length is 4096 characters.
    • long timeout
      - Time in seconds to wait until the command is completed. If the command has not completed when the timeout occurs, the child process will be killed.
    • boolean runInRecoveredVm
      - Should command be run on SRM server machine or in recovered VM? This only applies to Per-VM Callout Commands set to run post-power-on of a recovered VM. Those Commands may be run either on the SRM machine, or inside the recovered VM.
  • VmIpCustomization
    - Contains all data, needed to perform IP customization for a virtual machine, when recovering it to a given SRM site.
  • dependentVmIds
    - Dependent VMs. This is a list of VM identities that must be powered on before this VM can be powered on. Dependencies are only valid within VMs of the same recovery priority. If there are dependent VMs that are not in the current plan and same recovery priority, they will be ignored. VM identity is available through
contains the following data required for performing IP customization for a virtual machine, when recovering it to a given SRM site:
  • IpAddressInfo
    - IP address definitions.
  • IpV4AddressInfo
    - IPv4 address definitions.
  • IpV6AddressInfo
    - Ipv6 address definitions.
  • IpV4AddressSpec
    - IPv4 address specification. Contains either static or DHCP configuration.
  • @optional IpV4AddressInfo staticAddressInfo
    - If this optional field is set, then this spec denotes a static IPv4 address configuration. Otherwise, an unset field denotes a DHCPv4 configuration.
  • IpV6AddressSpec
    - IPv6 address specification. Contains either static or DHCP configuration.
  • @optional IpV6AddressInfo staticAddressInfo
    - If this optional field is set, then this spec denotes a static IPv6 address configuration. Otherwise, an unset field denotes a DHCPv6 configuration.
  • enum NetBiosMode
    - Used to configure NetBIOS on Windows systems. The values correspond directly to Microsoft constants for NetBIOS mode.
  • NicCustomizationSpec
    - Contains IP customization info for a specific network adapter.
  • WindowsNicCustomizationSpec
    - Contains Windows specific IP customization info for a specific network adapter for a virtual machine.
  • @optional String dependentVmIds
    - This is a list of VM identities that must be powered-on before this VM can be powered on. Dependencies are only valid within VMs of the same recovery priority. If there are dependent VMs that are not in the current plan and same recovery priority, they will be ignored. VM identity is available through


  • RecoveryPlanNotFound
  • RuntimeFault
  • VmNotFoundInRecoveryPlan