
This method lists the current prompts that are waiting on user input. Prompts appear in the order in which virtual machines are scheduled to power on.
When a prompt step is reached, the recovery plan remains in a waiting state until the user answers the prompt or a program calls AnswerPrompt.


RecoveryPlan.RecoveryPrompt[] listPrompts()
is an array of data objects containing the prompt and the key for responding to it. It has the following fields:
  • key
    - Key for responding to the prompt
  • data
    - Data about the prompt


  • InvalidState, if the recovery plan is not running.
  • RuntimeFault
For information about the faults that
Site Recovery Manager
throws, see Faults in Site Recovery Manager API.
Example for ListPrompts
List < SrmRecoveryPlanRecoveryPrompt > listPrompts = srmPortType.listPrompts(ManagedObjectReference _this); Where ManagedObjectReference _this = _recoveryPlan; where _recoveryPlan can be taken from: SrmServiceInstanceContent content = _srmPortType.retrieveContent(_svcRef); ManagedObjectReference _recoveryRef = content.getRecovery(); List < ManagedObjectReference > plans = srmPortType.listPlans( _recoveryRef); ManagedObjectReference _recoveryPlan = plans.get(0);