Run JAX-WS Sample
After building,
you can run the sample program that uses JAX‐WS bindings for the
Site Recovery Manager
API. The program was developed to work with the JAX‐WS
framework that is bundled with the JDK 1.6 and later.
- Change directory tosdk\samples\JAXWS, where the JAR files are located, if you are not already there, and setCLASSPATH. Sometimes%CLASSPATH%has already been set system wide. Example settings for Linux and Windows areexport CLASSPATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/libandset CLASSPATH=%JAVAHOME%\lib.
- DefineVMKEYSTOREas the path to the Java key store. This is needed to securely accessSite Recovery ManagerServer.export VMKEYSTORE=/usr/share/mime/application/x-java-keystore.xmlset VMKEYSTORE=C:\cygwin\usr\share\mime\application\x-java-keystore.xmlFor more information aboutVMKEYSTORE, see SSL Certificates.
- Call the run script or batch file. This sample program prints its usage summary, as if you specified --help on the command line, com.vmware.samples.recovery.RecoveryPlanListorrun.bat com.vmware.samples.recovery.RecoveryPlanList.
- As you can see from the usage message, the RecoveryPlanList sample code requires a user name and password for log in to theSite Recovery Manageradministrator account. You need to pass in additional options:--username srmadmin --password secret --planname myRecoveryPlan