Import Replication Configuration Data

You can use the
vSphere Replication 8.6 Configuration Import/Export Tool
to import replication configuration data from a previously exported XML file.
  • Provide a clean
    vSphere Replication
    installation, registered with the same
    vCenter Server
    instance or with a
    vCenter Server
    instance with the same inventory as the exported.
  1. Open a command shell, navigate to the folder of the
    directory, and run the following command.
    java -jar vr-impex-tool-<version>.jar --importInteractive --path=Path_toexported_XML_file
  2. To automate the import process by using a
    file, run the following command instead.
    java -jar vr-impex-tool-<version>.jar --path=Path_toexported_XML_file
  3. Enter the host name or the IP address of the Lookup Service.
  4. Enter the port number or press Enter, if you use the default port.
  5. Accept the SHA Thumbprint.
  6. Enter user name and password for the local
    vCenter Server
  7. Select a paired
    vSphere Replication
  8. Enter user name and password for the remote
    vCenter Server
vSphere Replication 8.6 Configuration Import/Export Tool
creates replications using the exported XML file.
Example of Importing the Configuration by Using a Properties File
java -jar /opt/vmware/vr-impex-tool/vr-impex-tool-<version>.jar --format --importProperties=/opt/vmware/vr-impex-tool/ --path=/opt/vmware/vr-impex-tool/sample.xml ***Copyright (c) 2018-2019 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.*** Initiating using properties file. Establishing connection... Collecting data... 2019-08-23 02:13:10,246 INFO - Importing hms data. Reading file... Reading file done. 2019-08-23 02:13:10,636 INFO - Import hms configurables started. 2019-08-23 02:13:11,478 DEBUG - Getting profiles for server with guid 'd83b4ce0-4530-4a45-b493-5f137598d3f2'. 2019-08-23 02:13:11,510 DEBUG - Getting profiles for server with guid '1c0f9490-3ac3-4546-af4a-10ab4ee634c7'. 2019-08-23 02:13:11,525 DEBUG - Starting import of replications. 2019-08-23 02:13:11,619 DEBUG - Importing Replication Group for server with guid 'd83b4ce0-4530-4a45-b493-5f137598d3f2' is complete. 2019-08-23 02:13:13,834 DEBUG - Importing Replication Group for server with guid '1c0f9490-3ac3-4546-af4a-10ab4ee634c7' is complete. 2019-08-23 02:13:13,834 INFO - Import VR configurables ended. Imported : 2 . Import ended successfully.