Enable Application Access
The requires access to certain ServiceNow tables to perform operations. The plug-in creates, reads, updates, and deletes the records in these tables using a script.
You must be the system administrator in ServiceNow.
- Log in to ServiceNow as a system administrator.
- In the left pane, go toSystem Definition>Tables.
- To providequestion_choicetable access:
- In theSearchbox, search forquestion_choicetable name.
- Click the label name link to open table details.
- On theApplication Accesstab, select thecan read,can create,can update, andcan deletecheck boxes.
- ClickUpdateto provide permission.
- To providesc_cat_item_categorytable access:
- In theSearchbox, search forsc_cat_item_categorytable name.
- Click the label name link to open table details.
- On theApplication Accesstab, select thecan read,can create,can update, andcan deletecheck boxes.
- ClickUpdateto provide permission.
- If by defaultitem_option_newtable access is not available, then provide table access:
- In theSearchbox, search foritem_option_newtable name.
- Click the label name link to open table details.
- On theApplication Accesstab, select thecan read,can create,can update, andcan deletecheck boxes.
- ClickUpdateto provide permission.
- If by default thesc_cat_item_user_criteria_mtomtable access is not available, then provide table access:
- In theSearchbox, search forsc_cat_item_user_criteria_mtomtable name.
- Click the label name link to open table details.
- On theApplication Accesstab, select thecan read,can create, andcan updatecheck boxes.
- ClickUpdateto provide permission.