What are Endpoints in Automation Pipelines
Automation Pipelines
An endpoint is an instance of a DevOps
application that connects to
Automation Pipelines
and provides data for your
pipelines to run, such as a data source, repository, or notification system. Your role in
Automation Pipelines
determines how you use endpoints. - Administrators and developers can create, update, delete, and view endpoints.
- Administrators can mark an endpoint as restricted, and run pipelines that use restricted endpoints.
- Users who have the viewer role can see endpoints, but cannot create, update, or delete them.
For more information, see 如何在 Automation Pipelines 中管理使用者存取和核准.
To connect
Automation Pipelines
an endpoint, follow these steps. - Add a task in your pipeline
- Configure the task so that it communicates with the endpoint.
- Verify thatAutomation Pipelinescan connect to the endpoint by clickingValidate.
- Then, when you run the pipeline, the task connects to the endpoint so that it can run the task.
For information about the task types that
use these endpoints, see 在 Automation Pipelines 中提供哪些類型的工作.
Endpoint | What it provides | Versions supported | Requirements |
Bamboo | Creates build plans. | 6.9.* | |
Docker | Native builds can use Docker hosts for
deployment. | 當管線包含來自 Docker Hub 的映像時,您必須在執行管線之前確保該映像已內嵌 cURL 或 wget 。當管線執行時,Automation Pipelines 將下載使用 cURL 或 wget 執行命令的二進位檔案。
| |
Docker Registry | Registers container images so that a Docker build
host can pull images. | 2.7.1 | |
Gerrit | Connects to a Gerrit server for reviews and
trigger | 2.14.* | |
Git | Triggers pipelines when developers update code and
check it in to the repository. | Git Hub Enterprise 2.1.8 Git Lab Enterprise 11.9.12-ee | |
Jenkins | Builds code artifacts. | 1.6.* and 2.* | |
Jira | Creates a Jira ticket when a pipeline task
fails. | 8.3.* | |
Kubernetes | Automates the steps that deploy, scale, and manage
containerized applications. | All versions
supported for Automation Assembler 8.4 and
later1.18 for
Automation Assembler 8.3 and
prior | 在管線工作區中使用 Kubernetes API 端點時, Automation Pipelines 會建立必要的 Kubernetes 資源 (如 ConfigMap、密碼和網繭) 以執行持續整合 (CI) 工作或自訂工作。Automation Pipelines 使用 NodePort 與容器進行通訊。For more information
about configuring the workspace, see 設定管線工作區. |
PowerShell | Create tasks that run PowerShell scripts on Windows or Linux
machines. | 4 and 5 | |
SSH | Create tasks that run SSH scripts on Windows or
Linux machines. | 7.0 | |
TFS, Team Foundation Server | Manages source code, automated builds, testing,
and related activities. | 2015 and 2017 | |
Automation Orchestrator
| Arranges and automates the workflows in your build
process. | 7.* and 8.* |
Example YAML code for a GitHub
This example YAML code defines a GitHub
endpoint that you can refer to in a Git task.
--- name: github-k8s tags: [ ] kind: ENDPOINT properties: serverType: GitHub repoURL: https://github.com/autouser/testrepok8s branch: master userName: autouser password: encryptedpassword privateToken: '' description: '' type: scm:git isLocked: false ---