Add or Modify Management Gateway Firewall
By default, the management gateway
blocks traffic to all destinations from all sources. Add Management Gateway firewall rules
to allow traffic as needed.
Management Gateway firewall rules specify actions to take on network traffic from a specified
source to a specified destination. Sources and destinations can be defined as
or as members of a system-defined or user-defined
inventory group, but either the source or destination must be system-defined. See
Add a Management Group for
information about viewing or modifying inventory groups. - Log in to theVMware Cloud on AWS GovCloudat
- On theNetworking & Securitytab, clickGateway Firewall.
- On theGateway Firewallcard, clickManagement Gateway, then clickADD RULEand give the new rule aName.
- Enter the parameters for the new rule.Parameters are initialized to their default values (for example,AllforSourcesandDestinations). To edit a parameter, move the mouse cursor over the parameter value and click the pencil icon (
) to open a parameter-specific editor.
OptionDescriptionSourcesSelectAnyto allow traffic from any source address or address range.If you need to access the Management Gateway over the public internet you must configure a management gateway firewall rule that allows traffic only from IP addresses you own or trust. For example, an enterprise that accesses the internet from a public IP address in the CIDR block should create a management gateway firewall rule that allows only traffic with aSourcesCIDR of to access the management systems including vCenter, NSX Manager, and ESXi. Never configure a management gateway firewall rule to allow traffic originating fromAnyaddress. See VMware Knowledge Base article 84154 for more information about providing secure access to your SDDC management infrastructure.SelectSystem Defined Groupsand select one of the following source options:- ESXito allow traffic from your SDDC'sESXihosts.
- NSX Managerto allow traffic from your SDDC's NSX-T manager appliance.
- vCenterto allow traffic from your SDDC'svCenter.
- Site Recovery Managerto allow traffic from your SDDC's Site Recovery Manager.
SelectUser Defined Groupsto use a management group that you have defined. See Add a Management Group.DestinationsSelectAnyto allow traffic to any destination address or address range.SelectSystem Defined Groupsand select one of the following destination options:- ESXito allow traffic to your SDDC'sESXimanagement.
- NSX Managerto allow traffic to your SDDC's NSX-T.
- vCenterto allow traffic to your SDDC'svCenter.
- Site Recovery Managerto allow traffic from your SDDC's Site Recovery Manager.
ServicesSelect the service types that the rule applies to. The list of service types depends on your choices forSourcesandDestinations.ActionThe only action available for a new management gateway firewall rule isAllow.The new rule is activated by default. Slide the toggle to the left to deactivate it. - Repeat the previous step to apply the following firewall rules for .NameSourceDestinationServiceActionRemote SRM tovCenterUser-Defined Group that includes the remote IP address.vCenterHTTPS (TCP 443)AllowRemote VR tovCenterUser-Defined Group that includes the remote IP address.vCenterHTTPS (TCP 443)AllowRemote network toSRM(SRM Server Management)User-Defined Group that includes the remote and IP addresses.VMware Site Recovery SRMAllowRemote network toVR(VM Replication)User-Defined Group that includes the remoteESXihosts IP addresses.VMware Site Recovery vSphere ReplicationAllowRemote network toVR(VR Server Management)or User-Defined Group that includes the remote and IP addresses.VMware Site Recovery vSphere ReplicationAllowRemote network toVR(UI and API)User-Defined Group that includes the remote browser IP address.VMware Site Recovery vSphere ReplicationAllowSRM(HTTPS) to remote networkAny or User-Defined Group that includes the remotePlatform Services ControllerandvCenterIP addresses.HTTPS (TCP 443)AllowVR(HTTPS) to remote networkAny or User-Defined Group that includes the remotePlatform Services ControllerandvCenterIP addresses.HTTPS (TCP 443)AllowSRM(SRM Server Management) to remote networkAny or User-Defined Group that includes the remote IP address.VMware Site Recovery SRMAllowVR(SRM Server Management) to remote networkAny or User-Defined Group that includes the remote IP address.VMware Site Recovery SRMAllowESXi(VM Replication) to remote networkESXiAny or User-Defined Group that includes the remote IP addresses (combined appliance and any add-on appliances).VMware Site Recovery vSphere ReplicationAllowSRM(VR Server Management) to remote networkAny or User-Defined Group that includes the remote IP address.VMware Site Recovery vSphere ReplicationAllowVR(VR Server Management) to remote networkAny or User-Defined Group that includes the remote IP address.VMware Site Recovery vSphere ReplicationAllow
- ClickPUBLISHto create the rule.The system gives the new rule an integerIDvalue, which is used in log entries generated by the rule.Firewall rules are applied in order from top to bottom. Because there is a defaultDroprule at the bottom and the rules above are alwaysAllowrules, management gateway firewall rule order has no impact on traffic flow.
Create a Management Gateway Firewall
To create a management gateway firewall rule that
enables vMotion traffic from the on-premises
hosts to the ESXi
hosts in the SDDC: - Create a management inventory group that contains the on-premises ESXi hosts that you want to enable for vMotion to the SDDC.
- Create a management gateway rule with sourceESXiand destination on-premisesESXihosts.
- Create another management gateway rule with source on-premisesESXihosts group and destinationESXiwith a vMotion service.
You can take any or all of these optional actions with an existing firewall rule.
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vRealize Log Insight CloudService。請參閱VMware Cloud on AWS 作業指南中的使用vRealize Log Insight Cloud。 - 按一下圖形圖示
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