Access NSX Manager Through the Internal Network

You can access NSX Manager through your internal network.
  1. Log in to the VMware Cloud Services Console at
  2. Launch the
    VMware Cloud on Dell
  3. Click the SDDC name or expand your SDDC and click
    View Details
  4. Navigate to the
    tab and based your access requirements, click one of the following URLs under
    Access NSX Manager via internal network
    • Click the link under
      URL to access via internal network (Log in through VMware Cloud Services)
      to access NSX Manager using the Credential Service Provider (CSP) authentication.
    • Click the link under
      URL to access via internal network (Log in using NSX Manager credentials)
      to access NSX Manager using the log in credentials.
    NSX Manager
    opens in a new tab.
  5. Log in to
    NSX Manager
    with your credentials.
    You can copy the log in credentials by navigating back to
    VMware Cloud on Dell EMC
    . The log in credentials for both the audit user and the admin user are available. However, an audit user does not have the privilege to view the admin user account details.
  6. (Optional) if you no longer want to access
    NSX Manager
    through the Internet, remove your public IP from the allowlist.
    1. Navigate back to the VMware Cloud Services Console and launch the
    2. Click on the left pane.
      Service Settings
      page appears.
    3. Click
      and remove your IP address.
    4. Click