
This method retrieves the list of datastores that are protected by the specified protection group. A datastore can be a VMFS volume, a NAS directory, or a local file system path.


vim.Datastore[] listProtectedDatastores( )
Returns Datastore[]
is an array of all Datastore objects protected by this protection group.


  • RuntimeFault
  • vmodl.fault.NotSupported if this protection group is not a SAN group.
Example for ListProtectedDatastores
List < ManagedObjectReference > datastores = srmPortType.listProtectedDatastores(ManagedObjectReference _this); Where ManagedObjectReference _this = _protectionGroupRef; where _protectionGroupRef can be taken from: SrmServiceInstanceContent content = _srmPortType.retrieveContent(_svcRef); ManagedObjectReference _protectionRef = content.getProtection(); List < ManagedObjectReference > groups = srmPortType.listProtectionGroups(_protectionRef); _protectionGroupRef = groups.get(0);