Creating bindings and dependencies between
resources in Automation Assembler
Automation Assembler
When you deploy an
Automation Assembler
template, one resource might need another resource to be
available first. Arrows only indicate a dependency, not a
connection. To connect resources so that they communicate, see Getting started with creating and designing cloud templates in VMware Aria Automation.
Explicit dependencies
Sometimes, a resource needs another to be
deployed first. For example, a database server might need to exist first, before an
application server can be created and configured to access it.
An explicit dependency sets the build
order at deployment time, or for scale in or scale out actions. You can add an
explicit dependency using the graphical design canvas or the code editor.
- Design canvas option—draw a connection starting at the dependent resource and ending at the resource to be deployed first.
- Code editor option—add adependsOnproperty to the dependent resource, and identify the resource to be deployed first.An explicit dependency creates a solid arrow in the canvas.

Property bindings
Sometimes, a resource property needs a value found in a
property of another resource. For example, a backup server might need the operating
system image of the database server that is being backed up, so the database server
must exist first.
Also called an implicit dependency, a property binding
controls build order by waiting until the needed property is available before
deploying the dependent resource. You add a property binding using the code editor.
- Edit the dependent resource, adding a property that identifies the resource and property that must exist first.A property binding creates a dashed arrow in the canvas.