Create a basic vCenter cloud account in VMware Aria Automation
cloud account in VMware Aria Automation
You can add a basic
cloud account for the account regions to which you want to deploy VMware Aria Automation
cloud templates. - Verify that you have the required service account credentials and have enabled HTTPS access on port 443. See Credentials required for working with cloud accounts in VMware Aria Automation.
- Verify that you have the cloud administrator user role. See What are the VMware Aria Automation user roles.
- If you are creating the cloud account for use with a remotevSphereagent (which is possible by using theForward all traffic through proxyoption), verify that you have deployed and configured aVMware Aria Automationextensibility (vREx) proxy on the target remotevCenterserver. See How can I configure and use a VMware Aria Automation Extensibility proxy with a vCenter cloud account for improved VMware Aria Automation performance across datacenters.
- Verify that you have properly configured your ports and protocols to support the cloud account. See theSystem Requirementstopic inInstallingand theVMware Aria Automationwith Easy InstallerPort Requirementstopic inReference Architecture Guide. Both publications are available on theVMware Aria Automationproduct documentation page.
For network and security purposes, you can associate a
cloud account with an NSX-T
or NSX-V
cloud account. An NSX-T
cloud account can be associated to one or more vCenter
cloud accounts. However, an NSX-V
cloud account can only be associated to one vCenter
cloud account.- Selectand clickAdd Cloud Account.
- Select thevCentercloud account type.
- Enter thevCenterserver host IP address.
- If you want to use a remotevSphereagent, select theForward all traffic through proxyoption and select theVMware Aria Automationextensibility (vREx) proxy from the drop-down menu.After you select a vREx proxy, you must revalidate and save your user name and password credentials.
- Enter yourvCenterserver administrator credentials and clickValidate.All data centers that are associated with thevCenteraccount are data-collected.The following elements are data-collected, as are allvSpheretags for the following elements:
- Machines
- Clusters and hosts
- Port groups
- Data stores
RemotevSphereagents (proxies) are also collected if they have been configured on thevCenter, see How can I configure and use a VMware Aria Automation Extensibility proxy with a vCenter cloud account for improved VMware Aria Automation performance across datacenters.You might consider using theVMware Aria Automationextensibility proxy option to gain a more reliable connection to a distant server, to get better processing throughput, or for network isolation reasons. To use a remotevSphereagent, where you have already met the required prerequisites for deploying and configuring aVMware Aria Automationextensibility (vREx) proxy, select the Forward all traffic through proxy check box and select the configuredVMware Aria Automationextensibility (vREx) proxy from the drop-down menu of availableVMware Aria Automationextensibility (vREx) proxies. After you select a vREx proxy, you must revalidate and save your user name and password credentials. - Select at least one of the available data centers on the specifiedvCenterserver to allow provisioning for this cloud account.
- For efficiency, create a cloud zone for provisioning to the selected data centers.You can also create cloud zones as a separate step according to your organization's cloud strategy.For information about cloud zones, see Learn more about Automation Assembler cloud zones.
- Select an existingNSXcloud account.You can select theNSXaccount now, or later when you edit the cloud account.For information aboutNSX-Tcloud accounts, see Create an NSX-T cloud account in VMware Aria Automation.For information about making network association changes after you have deployed a cloud template, see What happens if I remove an NSX cloud account association in VMware Aria Automation.
- If you want to add tags to support a tagging strategy, enter capability tags.You can add tags now, or later when you edit the cloud account. For information about tagging, see maphead-how-to-use-tags.html.
For more information about how capability tags and constraint tags help control deployment placements, see the Constraint Tags and Placement video tutorial.
- ClickSave.
The cloud account is added and the selected data centers are available for the specified cloud zone. Collected data such as machines, networks, storage, and volumes is listed in the
section of the Infrastructure
tab. Configure remaining infrastructure resources for this cloud account. See Building your Automation Assembler resource infrastructure.
For information about converting an existing cloud account, see Convert a traditional vCenter cloud account to one based on a VMware Aria Automation extensibility (vREx) proxy.