What does
Automation Assembler
Automation Assembler
doAutomation Assembler
provides an automation service where your development teams can
iteratively develop and deploy VMware cloud templates to designated cloud vendors. 
The primary purpose of
Automation Assembler
is to create cloud templates, and then deploy the templates. As a
Automation Assembler
administrator, generally referred to as a cloud
administrator, you configure the infrastructure to support template development and
deployment. The infrastructure begins with cloud vendors, then you add Automation Assembler
users as project members and
link them to the cloud account regions as projects. At this point, you can continue to
develop templates, or you can turn over development to the project administrators and
members. As a project member, use
Automation Assembler
as you iteratively develop and deploy templates, until you
have a production-worthy product. The deployment locations are configured by your cloud
administrator as part of the infrastructure. The administrator has the best
understanding of your organizations resources and budget.