Check the RaaS configuration file
As part of the post-installation process, consider reviewing your RaaS configurations.
RaaS, which stands for Returner as a Service, is the central component in
. RaaS provides RPC endpoints to receive
management commands from the Automation
user interface, as well as RPC control endpoints to interface with connected Salt masters. The
RaaS configuration settings are in the /etc/raas/raas
configuration file on
the RaaS node.Before you start
Configuring the RaaS node is one post-installation step in a series of several steps
that should be followed in a specific order. First, complete one of the installation
scenarios and then read the following post-installation pages:
Check configuration settings
- Open the RaaS configuration file on the RaaS node. By default, it is usually stored in/etc/raas/raas.
- Check the following required settings:SettingDescriptioncustomer_idYour customer ID, or sample UUID.sqlusername,password,host, andportcan be configured to match your database configuration. For more on storing credentials securely, see the Securing credentials in your Automation Config configuration knowledge base article.
- Check the following additional settings:SettingDescriptiontls_minumumSets the minimum TLS version that RaaS accepts. By default, this property is set to1.2. You can change this setting to a lower version number if needed. However, using a version lower than 1.2 is not recommended because of security issues in earlier versions.tls_crtPath to thecrtfile for encrypted communication. If this certificate is self-signed and should not be validated using a known CA, be sure to set thesseapi_validate_certoption toFalsein the Salt master configuration file.tls_keyCertificate key file.portPort that is used for connections from theAutomation Configuser interface and Salt controllers.auditInclude the API (RaaS) information in the Debug report for administrator accounts. Ifvalid_loginsis set toTrue, this information is also included in bug reports that are generated by non-admin users.raas_presence_expirationSeconds of inactivity before a minion is considered not present. Default is 3600 seconds (one hour).target_grou[s_from_master_pnlySet to true if the tgtmatch engine is enabled on your salt-masters, false otherwise.
Default RaaS configuration
To generate the default RaaS configuration
file, run this command:
raas genconfig /tmp/raas-config
This prompts the RaaS node to generate
. Explanations for each configuration setting are provided by
in-line comments in the file.What to do next
After configuring the RaaS node, you must
complete additional post-installation steps. The next step is to log in to the
user interface for the
first time. To continue the post-installation process, see Log in for the first
time and change default credentials.