Configure Kerberos authentication for Automation Orchestrator plug-ins
Automation Orchestrator
plug-insYou can use Kerberos authentication for
Automation Orchestrator
plug-ins. Configure the krb5.conf file
file- Create or edit thekrb5.conffile at/data/vco/usr/lib/vco/app-server/conf/.Akrb5.conffile has the following structure:[libdefaults] default_realm = YOURDOMAIN.COM [realms] YOURDOMAIN.COM = { kdc = default_domain = } [domain_realm] contain specific configuration parameters with their values.Kerberos configuration tagsDetailsdefault_realmThe default Kerberos realm that a client uses to authenticate against an Active Directory server. Must be in uppercase letters.kdcThe domain controller that acts as a Key Distribution Center (KDC) and issues Kerberos tickets.default_domainThe default domain that is used to produce a fully qualified domain name. This tag is used for Kerberos 4 compatibility.To allow ticket forwarding to other external systems, add theforwardable = trueflag. For additional information, see the Oracle documentation on the krb5.conf file.By default, the Java Kerberos configuration uses the UDP protocol. To use only the TCP protocol, you must specify theudp_preference_limitparameter with a value1.The Kerberos authentication requires a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) host address.When you add or modify thekrb5.conffile, you must restart theAutomation Orchestratorserver service.If you have a clusteredAutomation Orchestratorenvironment, make sure that thekrb5.conffile exists in all three appliances with the same configuration before you restart theAutomation Orchestratorpods.
- Change permissions.chmod 644 krb5.conf
- Redeploy theAutomation Orchestratorpod.kubectl -n prelude get podsLook for an entry similar tovco-app-<ID>.
- Destroy the pod.kubectl -n prelude delete pod vco-app-<ID>A new pod is automatically deployed to replace the pod you destroyed.
Enable Kerberos debug logging
You can troubleshoot
Automation Orchestrator
plug-in problems by modifying the Kerberos configuration file used by the plug-in.The Kerberos configuration file is located in the
directory of the Automation Orchestrator
Appliance.- Log in to theAutomation OrchestratorAppliance command line asroot.
- Run thekubectl -n prelude edit deployment vco-appcommand.
- In the deployment file, locate and edit
- Save the changes and exit the file editor.
- Run thekubectl -n prelude get podscommand. Wait until all pods are running.
- To monitor the Kerberos login, run the following command.tail -f /services-logs/prelude/vco-app/console-logs/vco-server-app.log
- Alternatively, you can enable debug logging in theAutomation Orchestratorconfigurator by adding = truesystem property.