Using the Dynamic Types Plug-In

Automation Orchestrator
Dynamic Types
plug-in allows you to define dynamic types, create objects of these types, and set relations between them. You can use the
Dynamic Types
plug-in to expose third-party objects as custom types in the
Automation Orchestrator
Scripting API.

Define dynamic types

The definition of a dynamic type contains the descriptions of its properties and a set of finder workflows and actions which can be used to find dynamic objects of this type. Runtime instances of dynamic types are called dynamic objects. You can run workflows on the dynamic objects you create and perform different operations on them.
Each dynamic type must be defined in a namespace. Namespaces are helper dynamic objects that let you group dynamic types in containers.
  1. Define a new dynamic type and its properties by running the Define Namespace and Define Type workflows from the
    Dynamic Types
    plug-in. In result, you obtain a set of finder and inventory workflows for finding objects of the new dynamic type and their relations with other objects.
  2. Modify the new finder and inventory workflows, so that they receive their input from the third-party REST API.
    1. Create REST operations by using the Add a REST Operation workflow from the
      plug-in and map these operations to the corresponding REST API methods.
    2. Modify the finder and inventory workflows to invoke these REST operations and consume their outputs.

Dynamic Types Configuration Workflows

The workflows in the Configuration package of the
Dynamic Types
plug-in let you create dynamic types, export and import type definitions from an XSD file, and define relations between the dynamic types you created.
To access these workflows in the
Automation Orchestrator
Client, navigate to
and enter the
tag in the workflow search box.
Workflow Name
Define Namespace
Defines a new namespace.
Define Relation
Defines a new relation between types.
Define Type
Defines a new type within a given namespace.
Export Configuration As Package
Exports a Dynamic Types definition configuration as a file-based configuration. The exported package can be used for importing to other servers.
Import Configuration From Package
Imports a file-based configuration to the plug-in configuration.
Import Type Definitions From XSD
Imports type definitions from an
Remove Namespace
Removes a namespace.
Remove Relation
Removes a relation.
Remove Type
Removes a type.
Update Namespace
Updates a namespace.
Update Type
Updates a type.