Power Management Workflows

With the power management workflows, you can power on and off virtual machines, reboot the guest operating system of a virtual machine, suspend a virtual machine, and others.
To access these workflows, navigate to
and enter the
tags in the workflow search box.
Workflow Name
Power off virtual machine and wait
Powers off a virtual machine and waits for the process to complete.
Reboot guest OS
Reboots the guest operating system of the virtual machine. Does not reset nonpersistent virtual machines.
VMware Tools
must be running.
Reset virtual machine and wait
Resets a virtual machine and waits for the process to complete.
Resume virtual machine and wait
Resumes a suspended virtual machine and waits for the process to complete.
Set guest OS to standby mode
Sets the guest operating system to standby mode.
VMware Tools
must be running.
Shut down and delete virtual machine
Shuts down a virtual machine and deletes it from the inventory and disk.
Shut down guest OS and wait
Shuts down a guest operating system and waits for the process to complete.
Start virtual machine and wait
Starts a virtual machine and waits for
VMware Tools
to start.
Suspend virtual machine and wait
Suspends a virtual machine and waits for the process to complete.