Using the Automation Orchestrator Plug-In for vSphere Web
Automation Orchestrator
Plug-In for vSphere Web
ClientYou can use the
Automation Orchestrator
plug-in for vSphere Web Client (also known as the
plug-in) to perform operations on
certain Automation Orchestrator
content from
your vSphere Client.The content that the plug-in exposes in the
vSphere Client includes workflows, workflow runs, scheduled workflows, and workflows
waiting for input. In the vSphere Client, users can see workflow details, run or
schedule workflows, and manage workflow runs.
Context Actions
You can add
Automation Orchestrator
workflows as context
actions in the vSphere Web Client. With context actions, you can map a particular
workflow to a specific vSphere item and run or schedule the workflow directly from
the vSphere inventory.When you use the
plug-in for the first time, a
configuration element is created in Automation Orchestrator
. You must not change or edit the location and any
configuration items in that location because they are managed by the vCOIN
service.Group Assignments
Administrators can use group assignments
to assign context actions to specific
Automation Orchestrator
groups. Users in these groups can then use context
actions in vSphere. Users can run only the workflows that are assigned to their
group.When a user logs into the vSphere Client,
they have the same views and/or permissions in the
plug-in as in Automation Orchestrator
. For example, if a user has the Viewer role in
Automation Orchestrator
, they
can't run workflows in the vSphere Client. To use group assignments, you must have
at least one group defined in
Automation Orchestrator
. If you want to leverage specific user roles, such as
or Administrator
, your
Automation Orchestrator
environment must use a VMware Cloud Foundation license.When you assign context actions to a
group, all of the mapped workflows are added as group items in the assigned group,
along with the configuration item.
Functional Requirements for the
vCOIN Plug-In
Automation Orchestrator
plug-in for vSphere Web Client supports the
following:- StandaloneAutomation Orchestratorenvironments only. The plug-in is not supported for instances ofAutomation Orchestratorthat are embedded inVMware Aria Automation.
- ThevCOINplug-in is available only withAutomation Orchestrator. To upgrade the plug-in, you must upgradeAutomation Orchestrator.
- vSphere 7.0 U1 and later. Versions 7.0 and earlier are not supported.
- Maximum onevCOINcan be registered per vCenter Server.
- In vSphere deployments with multiple vCenters (in Enhanced Linked Mode), you can register a single vCOIN plug-in with multiple vCenters (maximum one plug-in installation per vCenter), or you can register multiple vCOINs with multiple vCenter servers.
- Before you can use the plug-in, you must configure the plug-in by enabling the service on theAutomation Orchestratorappliance. See Configure the vCOIN plug-in.