The Management Pack for HPE 3PAR StoreServ collects the following metrics, according to HPE 3PAR StoreServ resource kind.
Resource Kind | Resource Group | Resource Attribute | Attribute Type | Attribute Description |
HPE 3PAR Tag | Relationships | Datastore Children | string | List of children Datastore resources |
HPE 3PAR Tag | Relationships | VirtualMachine Children | string | List of children VirtualMachine resources |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | Allocated Capacity | integer | Allocated capacity of the Array. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | Array Capacity Allocated To Virtual Volumes | integer | The capacity of the Array allocated to Virtual Volumes. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | FC Allocated Capacity | integer | The allocated capacity on FC devices. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | FC Capacity Allocated to Virtual Volumes | integer | The capacity of FC devices allocated to Virtual Volumes. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | FC Free Capacity | integer | The free capacity on FC devices. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | Failed Capacity | integer | Failed capacity of the Array. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | Free Capacity | integer | Free capacity of the Array. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | NL Allocated Capacity | integer | The allocated capacity on NL devices. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | NL Capacity Allocated to Virtual Volumes | integer | The capacity of NL devices allocated to Virtual Volumes. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | NL Free Capacity | integer | The free capacity on NL devices. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | SSD Allocated Capacity | integer | The allocated capacity on SSD devices. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | SSD Capacity Allocated to Virtual Volumes | integer | The capacity of SSD devices allocated to Virtual Volumes. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | SSD Free Capacity | integer | The free capacity on SSD devices. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | Total Capacity | integer | Total capacity of the Array. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | Total FC Capacity | integer | The total Array capacity from FC devices. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | Total FC Used Space Ratio | double | Allocated FC capacity divided by total FC capacity. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | Total NL Capacity | integer | The total Array capacity from NL devices. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | Total NL Used Space Ratio | double | Allocated NL capacity divided by total NL capacity. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | Total SSD Capacity | integer | The total Array capacity from SSD devices. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | Total SSD Used Space Ratio | double | Allocated SSD capacity divided by total SSD capacity. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Capacity | Total Used Space Ratio | double | Allocated capacity divided by total capacity. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Details | API Version | string | The version of the API running on the Array. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Details | Allow Raid 0 | string | Allow RAID-0 CPGs. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Details | Allow Writeback Single Node | string | Enable the system going into write through if a single node state occurs. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Details | Auto-Export | string | Automatically export VLUNs after a reboot. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Details | Contact | string | Point of Contact for the Array. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Details | Geographic Location | string | Where the array is physically located. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Details | Host DIF | string | Enable host based T10 Data Integrity Field support for all ports. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Details | Installed Patches | string | A comma separated list of patches installed on the Array. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Details | Model | string | The model number of the Array. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Details | Owner | string | Owner of the Array. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Details | Remote Copy Host Throttling | string | Enable Remote Copy throttling policy for host IO replicated in asynchronous streaming mode. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Details | Serial Number | string | The public IPv4 Address associated with the Array. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Details | Session Timeout | integer | Specifies the value in seconds that can be set for the idle timeout for a CLI session. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Details | Size of Chunklets | integer | The size of defined 'chunklets' in the system. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Details | System ID | string | Identifying number of the Array. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Details | System Version | string | The version of the system software running on the Array. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Details | Thermal Shutdown | string | Enable a system shutdown when the temperature gets too hot. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Details | Timezone | string | Which timezone the array is located in. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Disk | Event Log Size | integer | Event log size in bytes |
HPE 3PAR Array | Network | IPv4 Address | string | The public IPv4 Address associated with the Array. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Network | IPv6 Address | string | The public IPv6 Address associated with the Array. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Performance | Total External Port Throughput | float | The total external port throughput of I/O operations processed by the array. |
HPE 3PAR Array | User Configuration | Disable Compression | string | Disable the compression of all new write requests to the compressed VVs |
HPE 3PAR Array | User Configuration | Disable Dedup | string | Disable the duplication of new write requests to TDVVs serviced by the system. |
HPE 3PAR Array | User Configuration | Failover Matched Set | string | Enable the automatic failover of matched-set VLUNs during a persistent port failover. |
HPE 3PAR Array | User Configuration | NL Allow Raid 5 | string | Allow RAID-5 on Near Line drives. |
HPE 3PAR Array | User Configuration | Over Provisioning Ratio Limit | float | The over provisioning ratio that limits the system and all CPGs |
HPE 3PAR Array | User Configuration | Port Failover | string | Automatic failover of target ports to their designated partner ports. |
HPE 3PAR Array | User Configuration | Remote Sys Log | string | Sending events as syslog messages to a remote system. |
HPE 3PAR Array | Relationships | Controller Node Children | string | List of child Controller Node resources |
HPE 3PAR Array | Relationships | Virtual Volume Children | string | List of child Virtual Volume resources |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | CPU | Context Switches | float | Number of context switches per second |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | CPU | Idle Time | float | Percent of the CPU time in idle |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | CPU | Interrupts | float | Number of interrupts per second |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | CPU | System Time | float | Percent of the CPU time spent in system mode |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | CPU | User Time | float | Percent of the CPU time spent in user mode |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Cache | Access Read I/O | float | Number of Read I/Os per second |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Cache | Access Write I/O | float | Number of Write I/Os per second |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Cache | Clean | integer | Number of clean cache pages (valid data on page). A page is clean when data in cache matches data on disk. |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Cache | Delayed Copy | integer | Number of pages waiting for delayed copy on write resolution. |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Cache | Free | integer | Number of cache pages without valid data on them |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Cache | Hit Read I/O | float | Number of Read I/Os per second in which data was already in cache. |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Cache | Hit Read Ratio | float | Read Hits divided by Accesses |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Cache | Hit Write I/O | float | Number of Write I/Os per second in which data was already in cache. |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Cache | Hit Write Ratio | float | Write Hits divided by Accesses |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Cache | Lock Bulk I/O | float | Number of pages being modified per second by host I/O that are being written to disk by the flusher |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Cache | Miss Read I/O | float | Number of Read I/Os per second in which data was not already in cache. |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Cache | Miss Write I/O | float | Number of Write I/Os per second in which data was not already in cache. |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Cache | Total Access I/O | float | Number of total read and write I/Os per second |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Cache | Write Multiple | integer | Number of dirty pages that have been modified more than 1 time. |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Cache | Write Once | integer | Number of dirty pages that have been modified exactly 1 time. A page is dirty when it has been modified in cache but not written to disk. |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Cache | Write Scheduled | integer | Number of pages scheduled to be written to disk |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Cache | Writing | integer | Number of pages being currently written by the flusher to disk |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Details | Primary Node | string | Whether or not this node is the Primary Node on the given Array |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Status | Online | string | Online status of the controller node |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Relationships | Array Parents | string | List of parent Array resources |
HPE 3PAR Controller Node | Relationships | Port Children | string | List of child Port resources |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Administrator Growth Increment | integer | The administrator growth increment, the amount of logical disk storage created on each auto-grow operation |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Raw Total Space | integer | Sum of raw total user, admin, and snapshot space |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Raw Used Snapshot Administration Space | integer | Amount of raw (physical) administration space used |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Raw Used Snapshot Space | integer | Amount of raw (physical) snapshot space used |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Raw Used Space | integer | Sum of raw used user, admin, and snapshot space |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Raw Used User Space | integer | Amount of raw (physical) user space used |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Raw Used User Space Ratio | double | Total raw user space divided by used raw user space. |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Snapshot Growth Increment | integer | The snapshot growth increment, the amount of logical disk storage created on each auto-grow operation |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Total Raw Snapshot Administration Space | integer | Total raw (physical) administration space used |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Total Raw Snapshot Space | integer | Total raw (physical) snapshot space used |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Total Raw User Space | integer | Total raw (physical) user space used |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Total Snapshot Administration Space | integer | Total logical disk administration space |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Total Snapshot Space | integer | Total logical disk snapshot space |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Total Space | integer | Sum of total user, admin, and snapshot space |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Total Used Space Ratio | double | Total used space divided by total space. |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Total User Space | integer | Total logical disk user space |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Used Snapshot Administration Space | integer | Amount of logical administration space used |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Used Snapshot Space | integer | Amount of logical snapshot space used |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Used Space | integer | Sum of used user, admin, and snapshot space |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Used User Space | integer | Amount of logical user space used |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Capacity | Used User Space Ratio | double | Total user space divided by used user space. |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Details | Dedup Capable | string | Whether the CPG is capable of dedpulication |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Details | Domain | string | Domain to which the CPG belongs |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Disk | Administrator Disk Raid Level | integer | The RAID type of the administrator logical disk |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Disk | Snapshot Disk Raid Level | integer | The RAID type of the snapshot logical disk |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Status | State | string | Overall state of the CPG |
HPE 3PAR CPG | Relationships | Virtual Volume Parents | string | List of parent Virtual Volume resources |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Capacity | Chunklets Available (Clean) | integer | Number of available chunklets on this disk that have no data on them. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Capacity | Chunklets Available (Dirty) | integer | Number of available chunklets on this disk that have been used but can be reclaimed. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Capacity | Chunklets Available (Failed) | integer | Number of available chunklets on this disk that have failed. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Capacity | Chunklets Used (Failed) | integer | Number of used chunklets on this disk that have failed. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Capacity | Chunklets Used (Healthy) | integer | Number of used chunklets on this disk that are healthy. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Capacity | Spare Chunklets Available (Clean) | integer | Number of available spare chunklets on this disk that have no data on them. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Capacity | Spare Chunklets Available (Dirty) | integer | Number of available spare chunklets on this disk that have been used but can be reclaimed. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Capacity | Spare Chunklets Available (Failed) | integer | Number of available spare chunklets on this disk that have failed. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Capacity | Spare Chunklets Used (Failed) | integer | Number of used spare chunklets on this disk that have failed. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Capacity | Spare Chunklets Used (Healthy) | integer | Number of used spare chunklets on this disk that are healthy. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Capacity | Total Chunklets | integer | Number of chunklets allocated for production use. Does not include spare or failed chunklets. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Capacity | Total Chunklets Available | integer | Number of chunklets available for production use. Does not include used, spare, or failed chunklets. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Capacity | Total Failed Chunklets | integer | Number of chunklets that have failed. Totals production and spare failed chunklets. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Capacity | Total Spare Chunklets | integer | Number of chunklets allocated for spare use. Does not include production or failed chunklets. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Capacity | Total Spare Chunklets Available | integer | Number of chunklets available for spare use. Does not include used, production, or failed chunklets. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Capacity | Total Used Chunklets Ratio | double | Total chunklets available divided by total chunklets. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Details | Cage ID | string | The ID of the cage in which the disk is located. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Details | Cage Side | string | The side of the cage where the disk is located. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Details | Magazine ID | string | The ID of the magazine in which the disk is located. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Details | Position | string | The position of the disk (Node:Slot:Port). |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Details | Speed | integer | The speed of the disk's spindle. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Details | Type | string | The storage type of the disk drive. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Performance | Average I/O Size | float | The average size of I/O requests processed by the disk. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Performance | Average Latency | float | The average time to service I/O requested from the disk. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Performance | Average Read Size | float | The average size of read requests processed by the disk. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Performance | Average Write Size | float | The average size of write requests processed by the disk. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Performance | Busy Time | float | The average percent of time the disk is performing operations. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Performance | Queue Length | float | The average length of the disk's I/O request queue. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Performance | Read I/O | float | The frequency of read I/O operations performed by the disk. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Performance | Read Latency | float | The average time to service a read requested from the disk. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Performance | Read Throughput | float | The average throughput of read I/O operations processed by the disk. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Performance | Total I/O | float | The frequency of I/O operations performed by the disk. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Performance | Total Throughput | float | The average throughput of I/O operations processed by the disk. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Performance | Write I/O | float | The frequency of write I/O operations performed by the disk. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Performance | Write Latency | float | The average time to service a write requested from the disk. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Performance | Write Throughput | float | The average throughput of write I/O operations processed by the disk. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Status | Life Left | float | Estimated percent of lifetime usage remaining. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Status | Temperature | float | Internal temperature of the disk drive. |
HPE 3PAR Disk | Relationships | Port Parents | string | List of parent Port resources |
HPE 3PAR Port | Details | Connection Type | string | The connection type for the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Details | Device Names | string | List of device names connected to the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Details | Hardware Address | string | The Hardware address for this RCIP/iSCSI port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Details | IP Address | string | The IP address of this RCIP/iSCSI port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Details | MAC Address | string | The ethernet node MAC address for the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Details | Mode | string | The current mode of the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Details | Node WWN | string | The World Wide Name (WWN) of the node. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Details | PFC Mask | string | The Primary Flow Control (PFC) mask for the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Details | Partner Position | string | The position of the partner of the port (Node:Slot:Port). |
HPE 3PAR Port | Details | Port WWN | string | The World Wide Name (WWN) for this Fibre Channel port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Details | Protocol | string | The current protocol used by the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Details | iSCSI Name | string | The name for this iSCSI port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Performance | Average I/O Size | float | The average size of I/O requests processed by the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Performance | Average Latency | float | The average time to service requests by the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Performance | Average Queue Length | float | The average length of the I/O queue for the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Performance | Average Read Size | float | The average size of read requests processed by the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Performance | Average Write Size | float | The average size of write requests processed by the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Performance | Busy Time | float | The utilization percentage of the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Performance | Read I/O | float | The frequency of read I/O operations performed by the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Performance | Read Latency | float | The average time to service read requests by the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Performance | Read Throughput | float | The average throughput of read I/O operations performed by the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Performance | Total I/O | float | The frequency of I/O operations performed by the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Performance | Total Throughput | float | The average throughput of I/O operations performed by the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Performance | Write I/O | float | The frequency of write I/O operations performed by the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Performance | Write Latency | float | The average time to service write requests by the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Performance | Write Throughput | float | The average throughput of write I/O operations performed by the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Status | Failover State | string | The current failover state of the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Status | Link State | string | The current link state of the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | User Configuration | Label | string | User-supplied label identifying the port. |
HPE 3PAR Port | Relationships | Controller Node Parents | string | List of parent Controller Node resources |
HPE 3PAR Port | Relationships | Disk Children | string | List of child Disk resources |
HPE 3PAR Port | Relationships | Port Children | string | List of child Port resources |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity | Snapshot Free Space | integer | The amount of free snapshot space. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity | Snapshot Raw Reserved Space | integer | The amount of raw reserved snapshot space. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity | Snapshot Reserved Space | integer | The amount of reserved snapshot space. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity | Snapshot Used Space | integer | The amount of used snapshot space. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity | Total Free Space | integer | The amount of total free space on the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity | Total Reserved Space | integer | The amount of total reserved space on the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity | Total Size | integer | The virtual size of volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity | Total Unreserved Space | double | The total amount of space that has not been reserved by this Virtual Volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity | Total Used Space | integer | The amount of total used space on the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity | Total Used Space Ratio | double | Total used space divided by total size. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity | User Free Space | integer | The amount of free user space. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity | User Raw Reserved Space | integer | The amount of raw reserved user space. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity | User Reserved Space | integer | The amount of reserved user space. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity | User Used Space | integer | The amount of used user space. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity Efficiency | Compaction Ratio | float | The overall amount of storage space saved with 3PAR thin technology. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity Efficiency | Compression | float | The amount of storage space saved using compression. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity Efficiency | Data Reduction | float | The amount of storage space saved using deduplication and compression together. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity Efficiency | Deduplication | float | The amount of storage space saved with 3PAR thin deduplication. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Capacity Efficiency | Over Provisioning Ratio | float | The amount of overprovisioned storage space. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Details | Creation Time | string | The creation time of the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Details | Deduplication State | string | The deduplication state of the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Details | Provisioning Type | string | The provisioning type of the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Details | WWN | string | The WWN of the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Performance | Average I/O Size | float | The average size of I/O requests processed on the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Performance | Average Latency | float | The average time to service I/O requested from the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Performance | Average Read Size | float | The average size of read requests processed on the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Performance | Average Write Size | float | The average size of write requests processed on the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Performance | Busy Time | float | The average percent of time operations are being performed on the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Performance | Queue Length | float | The average length of the volume's I/O request queue. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Performance | Read I/O | float | The frequency of read I/O operations performed on the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Performance | Read Latency | float | The average time to service a read requested from the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Performance | Read Throughput | float | The average throughput of read I/O operations processed on the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Performance | Total I/O | float | The frequency of I/O operations performed on the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Performance | Total Throughput | float | The average throughput of I/O operations processed on the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Performance | Write I/O | float | The frequency of write I/O operations performed on the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Performance | Write Latency | float | The average time to service a write requested from the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Performance | Write Throughput | float | The average throughput of write I/O operations processed on the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Status | Additional States | string | Additional detailed states of the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Status | Degraded States | string | Detailed degraded states of the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Status | Failed States | string | Detailed failed states of the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Status | State | string | The state of the volume. |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Relationships | Array Parents | string | List of parent Array resources |
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume | Relationships | CPG Children | string | List of child CPG resources |