How Do I Obtain VMware vCenter Credentials

To add a
VMware vCenter
data source into
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
, you need the
VMware vCenter
  1. Log in to the
    VMware Cloud
    services console.
    The login page of the  VMware
			 Cloud services console.
  2. Under
    My Services
    , click
    VMware Cloud on AWS
    "" (null text)
  3. Select the desired Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC).
    "" (null text)
  4. Select the
    "" (null text)
  5. Expand
    vCenter FQDN
    and make a note of the vCenter FQDN details.
  6. Expand
    Default vCenter User account
    , and copy the user name and password.
    "" (null text)