Viewing Discovered Applications
When you perform application discovery using tags, names, ServiceNow, flows, or
advanced properties,
VMware Aria
Operations for Networks
displays the discovered applications that match the criteria in a tabular view and a map
view.The map and the tabular view are interactive. If
you click an application in the tabular view, the hexagon representing the application
gets highlighted or focused on the map view, displaying shared services and network
connections with other applications.
Tabular View of
In the tabular view, you can do the
- View details such as the application name, count of tiers and VMs, and status. If you discover applications using flows, you also see theConfidencecolumn indicating the accuracy of discovered applications.
- Click theSaveicon next to the application to save the application.
- Select one or more applications and click theActionsdrop-down menu to save selected applications.
- Select one or more applications and click theActionsdrop-down menu to merge or save applications.Select two or more applications, click theActionsdrop-down menu, and select theMerge & Saveoption to merge selected applications and save them as a single application. You do this action only if your application is discovered as multiple applications and you want to merge them back to a single application.You can merge a maximum of 20 applications.
- If you discover applications using ServiceNow or flows, you can export one or more applications in.csvformat.
Map View of Applications
In the map view, you can do the
- Hover over a hexagon to see details such as the application name, discovered VM count, and the tier count.
- On hover, clickSave Applicationto save the application.
- Zoom in and zoom out, or move the map to see the applications.
- See applications with unprotected flows.
- See applications talking to the internet.
- See applications using shared services.
- See applications with problems.
Viewing Discovered Applications by Criteria
Use the following options that are available on the top of the page to sort, filter,
and search discovered applications:
Option | Description |
| Displays applications based on size. Fine granularity displays
smaller applications and coarse granularity displays only larger
applications. You see this option only if you have discovered applications
using flows. |
Sort by
| Sorts applications by name, tiers, and VMs. If you have discovered applications using flows, you can also
sort your applications by Confidence . |
| Displays top 10, 20, 50, or 100 applications on the map and the
table view. |
Search apps, tiers, or VMs | Searches applications by name, tiers, or members. |