Add, Edit, or Delete a Group
In the
Network Map
page, you can group multiple entities
together for the better management and visibility. In the Network Map
page, groups define a set of multiple entities. A group can also contain other groups.
Groups are used to organize the entity list and to provide a context to the visualization in
the network map. You can also use groups when searching for entities and paths.VMware Aria
Operations for Networks
creates some types of groups. For example, the system groups virtual entities inside
the same physical host. You can also add your own groups, delete groups, and edit
existing groups. You cannot
edit or delete system-generated groups.
- In theNetwork Mappage, clickEditin the lower-right corner.
- After you clickEdit, you can do the following:OptionActionAdd a groupTo add a group, do the following:
- Click theAdd Groupicon located in the lower-right corner.
- In theCreate Groupwindow, in theNametext box, enter a group name.
- From theEntitiesdrop-down, select all the entities that you want to add in the group.
- From theColordrop-down, select a color for the group, and clickSUBMIT.
Edit a groupTo edit a group, do the following:- Select the user-defined group that you want to edit, and clickEdit Group.
- In theEdit Groupwindow, do the required changes.
- ClickSubmit.
You can edit only user-defined groups. You cannot edit system-generated groups.Delete a groupTo delete a group, do the following:- Select the group you want to delete, and clickDelete Group.
- In theConfirm Actionwindow, clickConfirm.
- Refresh theNetwork Mapto view the changes.