NSX Advanced
Load Balancer Search Queries
NSX Advanced
Load Balancer
Search QueriesYou can search
NSX Advanced
Load Balancer
entity details and alerts in VMware Aria
Operations for Networks
.Here are some sample search queries on
NSX Advanced
Load Balancer
entities:NSX Advanced
Load Balancer
Entities | Sample Queries | Description |
Data Source | NSX-ALB Data Source where Problem = 'Data Source is not
| Shows a list of NSX Advanced
Load Balancer data sources that are not reachable from the
collector VM |
Cluster | NSX-ALB Cluster where Controller Count <
| Shows a list of NSX Advanced
Load Balancer clusters having less than three
controllers |
Controller | NSX-ALB Controller group by Manager where CPU Usage Rate > 50
| Shows a list of NSX Advanced
Load Balancer clusters where the CPU usage rate of the
controller is greater than 50% |
Virtual Service |
Service Engine | NSX-ALB Service Engine where Vnic in (Vnic where Tx Packet
Drops > 100)
| Shows a list of service engines where the packet drops of vNIC is
greater than 100 |
Pool Group | NSX-ALB Pool Group where Cloud =
| Shows a list of pool groups associated with the Cloud
'nsxt_cloud_overlay' . |
Pool | NSX-ALB Pool where Tenant = 'admin'
| Shows a list of server pools associated with the tenant
'admin' . |
Analytics Profile | NSX-ALB Analytics Profile group by Tenant, Manager where
Tenant = 'admin'
| Shows a list of analytics profiles that are grouped by the cluster
and tenant 'admin' |
Here are some sample queries on
NSX Advanced
Load Balancer
alerts:Sample Queries | Description |
Alerts where Alert Tags = 'NSX-ALB'
| Shows a list of NSX Advanced
Load Balancer system alerts |
Alerts where Alert Tags = 'NSX-ALB' and Problem Entity =
| Shows a list of alerts associated with the entity
'nsxt_cloud_overlay-Avi-se-azjyc' |
Alerts where Alert Tags = 'NSX-ALB' group by Problem
| Shows a list of alerts grouped by NSX Advanced
Load Balancer entities |