Configure Data Retention Interval

VMware Aria Operations for Networks
, you can specify the duration for which you want to retain your data.
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
supports configurable data management on an enterprise license only. In the advanced license edition, the data retention defaults to 1 month.
The data is divided into the following categories:
Minimum Value
Maximum Value
1 month
13 months
Entities and Configuration Data
1 month
3 months
1 month
13 months
1 month
1 month
Miscellaneous Data
100 GB of additional disk space
For all the categories, the minimum value is the default value.
Different policies can be configured and controlled for each category. You can configure the policy as per your requirement.
To configure data management:
  1. Go to
    and click
    Data Management
  2. When you log in for the first time, this page shows the default data.
  3. Click
    on the top-right corner of the page to change the data retention period for various categories of data.
  4. Click
    . The Updated information is recorded in the database.
The retention period for low-resolution metrics is longer than the high-resolution metrics.