Kubernetes Events
Here is the list of Kubernetes alerts supported in
VMware Aria
Operations for Networks
. The Object ID (OID) for all Kubernetes alerts
.Event Name | Severity | Description |
FailedToCreateContainer | Critical | Failed to create container |
FailedToStartContainer | Critical | Failed to start container |
PreemptContainer | Warning | Preempting other pods. |
BackOffStartContainer | Warning | Back-off restarting failed the container. |
ExceededGracePeriod | Warning | Container runtime did not stop the pod within specified grace
period. |
FailedToKillPod | Warning | Failed to stop a pod. |
FailedToCreatePodContainer | Moderate | Failed to create a pod container. |
FailedToMakePodDataDirectories | Moderate | Failed to make pod data directories. |
NetworkNotReady | Warning Critical | Network is not ready. |
FailedScheduling | Critical | Unable to schedule pod |
FailedToPullImage | Warning Critical | Failed to pull the image. |
FailedToInspectImage | Warning | Failed to inspect the image. |
ErrImageNeverPullPolicy | Warning | The image’s NeverPull Policy is violated. |
ImagePullBackOff | Critical | Container image pull failed, kubelet is backing off image
pull |
ImageInspectError | Warning | Unable to inspect image |
ErrImagePull | Critical | Image pull error |
ErrImageNeverPull | Critical | Required Image is absent on host and PullPolicy is
NeverPullImage |
RegistryUnavailable | Critical | Getting http error when pulling image from registry |
InvalidImageName | Critical | Unable to parse the image name |
KubeletSetupFailed | Moderate | Kubelet setup failed. |
FailedAttachVolume | Critical | Failed to attach volume. |
FailedMountVolume | Critical | Failed to mount volume. |
VolumeResizeFailed | Warning | Failed to expand/reduce volume. |
FileSystemResizeFailed | Warning | Failed to expand/reduce file system. |
FailedMapVolume | Critical | Failed to map a volume. |
WarnAlreadyMountedVolume | Warning | Volume is already mounted. |
ContainerGCFailed | Warning | Container garbage collection failed. |
ImageGCFailed | Warning | Image garbage collection failed. |
FailedNodeAllocatableEnforcement | Warning | Failed to enforce System Reserved Cgroup limit. |
FailedCreatePodSandBox | Warning | Failed to create pod sandbox. |
FailedStatusPodSandBox | Warning | Failed pod sandbox status. |
InvalidDiskCapacity | Moderate | Invalid disk capacity. |
FreeDiskSpaceFailed | Moderate | Free disk space failed. |
ContainerUnhealthy | Critical | Container is unhealthy. |
ContainerProbeWarning | Warning | Container Probe succeeded with a warning. |
FailedSync | Warning | Pod sync failed. |
FailedValidation | Warning | Failed pod configuration validation. |
FailedPostStartHook | Warning | Handler failed for pod start. |
FailedPreStopHook | Warning | Handler failed for pre-stop. |
NodeNotReady | Critical | Node is not ready. |
NodeNotSchedulable | Critical | Node is not schedulable. |
NodeRebooted | Moderate | Node rebooted. |