Cisco ASA Firewall

VMware Aria Operations for Networks
supports Cisco ASA firewall.
The features for Cisco ASA firewall are as follows:
  • VMware Aria Operations for Networks
    supports only Cisco ASA-X series.
  • VMware Aria Operations for Networks
    does not support Firepower modules.
  • Currently,
    VMware Aria Operations for Networks
    supports Cisco ASA operating system version 9.4.
  • VMware Aria Operations for Networks
    does not support the cluster deployment of Cisco ASA.
  • VMware Aria Operations for Networks
    does not support the high availability of Cisco ASA.
  • VMware Aria Operations for Networks
    does not support Cisco ASA if it is directly connected to the host. A topology that is similar to the following example is supported:
    A diagram illustrating the topology of a Cisco ASA-X series
									firewall that VMware Aria
					Operations for Networks supports.
  • Cisco ASA access rules of only
    type are supported. Other access rule types like
    , and so on are not supported.
  • The Cisco ASA firewall in the VM-to-VM path does not display applicable access rules if the firewall is configured in the
You can perform a query for all the Cisco ASA entities that are supported by
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
Entities in Cisco ASA
Sample Queries
Security Context
ASA Firewall
ASA Security Context
asa firewall where access group = <>
Access Rule
ASA Access Rule
asa access rule where source ip = <>
asa access rule where destination ip = ''
asa access rule where port = <>
asa access rule where interface = <>
Access Group
ASA Access Group
asa access group where interface = <>
Network Object / Network Object Group
ASA Network Object
ASA Network Object Group
asa network object where ip address = <>
asa network object group where ip address = <>
Service Object / Service Object Group
ASA Service Object
ASA Service Object Group
asa service object where port = <>
asa service where protocol = <>
asa service object group