VMware Aria Operations for Networks Release Notes

This document contains the following sections

Release 6.14 | October 2024

Build Number
VMware Aria Operations for Networks 6.14.0
09 October 2024
This Release Notes covers release information for VMware Aria Operations for Networks. Check for additions and updates to these release notes.

What's New

Workload Migration Planning
You can now create a migration plan blueprint for your workloads based on various scoping criteria and have those workloads migrated through VMware HCX. The process of creating a migration plan includes:
  • Identifying target workloads (migration scope) by using comprehensive searching and filtering capabilities.
  • Enhancing VM attributes and using searching and filtering on these attributes to choose target workloads.
  • Fine tuning the migration scope by using deeper network insights such as traffic volume, throughput, and others.
  • Creating migration Waves and mobility groups using similar searching, filtering, and network analysis.
  • Finally, exporting the migration waves as a CSV file and running the migration plan blueprint in VMware HCX.
NSX Assessment Dashboard Improvements
You can now visually understand what your datacenter networking would look like with VMware NSX. The new widget visuals for latency and RTT within the Top Talkers and Network Performance widgets help you to make a compelling case for adopting VMware NSX.
Flow-based application discovery with CSV upload
You can now review the VM membership differences between the automatically discovered flow-based application and the application definitions in your uploaded CSV file. You can then continue saving applications discovered through flow-based discovery. You can also find VMs that were added or removed in the flow-based application discovery and review the reasons for any VMs removed from the application definition.
JDK migrated to new version
The JDK now uses Java 17.
Newly supported version of Ubuntu
VMware Aria Operations for Networks now supports Ubuntu 22.04 OS.

Product Upgrade

The supported upgrade path is available at
Refer to the section for more information on the upgrade procedure.

Reduced set of languages for localization

Beginning with the next major release, we will be reducing the number of supported localization languages. The three supported languages will be:
  • Japanese
  • Spanish
  • French
The following languages will no longer be supported:
  • German
  • Korean
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Customers who were using the deprecated languages will no longer receive updates or support in these languages.
  • All user interfaces, help documentation, and customer support will be available only in English or in the three supported languages mentioned above.

VMware Product Compatibility

The provides details about the compatibility of VMware Aria Operations for Networks with other VMware products.

VMware MIB Files

For MIB information, see . You can download the SNMP MIB module file from the VMware Knowledge Base Article: .

Known Issues

For some ACI zoning rules, the destination EPG is displaying the pcTag instead of the name
For a given Cisco ACI node (leaf or spine), an ACI zoning rule cannot resolve the endpoint group (EPG) for a given destination pcTag if that EPG is not part of that particular node.
No workaround.
Missing tiers in the tier preview of the pattern builder screen
The tier names for some applications are shown as
No workaround.
Restapilayer bouncing during the upgrade to Java 17
During upgrade, the VMware Aria Operations for Networks UI might get stuck, however the upgrade succeeds in the background.
To show the correct upgrade status, refresh the browser.

Resolved Issues

Network map functionality issues
If you are using NSX-T 3.x, a few features, such as micro-segmentation, flows, and VM-VM Path work intermittently.

Release 6.13 | July 2024

Build Number
VMware Aria Operations for Networks 6.13.0
23 July 2024
This Release Notes covers release information for VMware Aria Operations for Networks. Check for additions and updates to these release notes.

What's New

VMware NSX
Introducing a brand new vCenter Assessment to help you discover the benefits of Software-Defined Networking. With this feature, you can explore opportunities for network optimization, application-centric networking, and performance improvement for business acceleration. 
VMware SD-WAN 
Deprecation Notice
VMware SD-WAN assessment and data source support will be deprecated in a future release.
Impacted services: 
  • Data collection will be stopped for existing VMware SD-WAN data sources and the data source will remain disabled. 
  • VMware SD-WAN will not be supported as a data source and all associated metrics and flows will be deleted as per the retention period.
Required action: Use VMware Edge Intelligence or another tool of choice for visibility and troubleshooting.
Network Assurance and Verification
Added the following capabilities to enhance usability and ease of use:
  • Enhanced auto layout capability to automatically adjust the layout based on network map scopes that you select.
  • Choose from a range of scoping capabilities – including scope by entities or groups.
  • Create network map scopes easily by selecting groups. 
  • Create all types of scope in the network map via API request calls.
Consolidated the different application discovery and manual addition into a single page for ease of use.
Consolidated application discovery using VM Names, tags, security tags, and security groups under a single
VM Attributes
discovery method for a more streamlined workflow. 
Improved activation mechanism for a better single licensing experience. Click here to learn more.

Product Upgrade

The supported upgrade path is available at
Refer to the section for more information on the upgrade procedure.

VMware Product Compatibility

The provides details about the compatibility of VMware Aria Operations for Networks with other VMware products.

VMware MIB Files

For MIB information, see . You can download the SNMP MIB module file from the VMware Knowledge Base Article: .

Resolved Issues

When the upgrade is in progress and you access VMware Aria Operations for Networks platform from a different tab or browser, the upgrade dialog box shows the older version of VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
In the Network Map, clicking a hyperlinked device name in an alert opens the entity dashboard instead of highlighting the device in the map topology.
When you upload a CSV file for the Flow Based Application Discovery, you may see a mismatch in the number of discovered applications displayed in the table and the count of
applications found
displayed above the table.
: Refreshing the discovered applications page after a few minutes to resolve this issue. 
If you have physical entities in scope and if physical entities exceed the entity count limit, you might see an incorrect entity count in the summary panel.
When you have physical entities in scope that exceed the entity limit, the summary panel should show the entity counts for all categories as zero, but instead, currently, it shows the count for the virtual entities.
While creating a network map scope, if the entity count exceeds the supported limit, the top summary bar may incorrectly show zero entities.
In Network Map path search if source or destination parameter has the search query “port where routed port ip address” and it results in a port-channel, then path search does not work and reports unknown source or destination.
VMware Aria Operations for Networks supports VMware Aria Operations for Logs version 8.0 to 8.8 as data source, and API version V1 support has been deprecated in VMware Aria Operations for Logs version 8.8 and above. As API version V2 is currently not supported by VMware Aria Operations for Networks, the Add Source page will show the 'Webhook not enabled for one or more alerts" error for these data sources. However, this does not affect the generation of dropped flow alerts in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.

Known Issues

If you are using NSX-T 3.x, a few features, such as micro-segmentation, flows, and VM-VM Path work intermittently.
If you are updating to the current version of VMware Aria Operations for Networks from any older versions deployed before version 6.0, you must increase the partition size to 2GB to match the system requirement, else upgrade might fail.
By default, all deployment created before version 6.0 has a boot partition size 200MB. But after version 6.0, the default boot size has been increased to 2GB. To increase the boot partition size, please contact Support.
Network Map path search involving Cisco ASA shows blocked path when the associated object group has service-object configured only with protocols (For example, IP, TCP, UDP, and ICMP).
Edit, Enable, Disable, and Delete Intent public APIs do not work due to the use of incorrect authorization method.
NSX ALB Virtual Service and Service Engine metrics are not working.

Release 6.12 and 6.12.1 | February 2024

Build Number
VMware Aria Operations for Networks 6.12.1
29 February 2024
Build 1707992545
VMware Aria Operations for Networks 6.12.0
06 February 2024
Build 1706185032
VMware Aria Operations for Networks (SaaS)
06 February 2024
Not applicable
This Release Notes covers release information for SaaS and On-Premises platforms of VMware Aria Operations for Networks. If any new or updated features are specific to only SaaS or On-Premises platform, then the same is explicitly called out in the Release Notes.
Check for additions and updates to these release notes.

What's New

Here are the key features and capabilities of VMware Aria Operations for Networks 6.12.1:
Support for vSphere 8 Single License Key for VMware Cloud Foundation
  • VMware Aria Operations for Networks now supports vSphere 8 Enterprise Plus License Keys generated for VMware Cloud Foundation. Instead of using different license keys, you can use vSphere keys to entitle VMware Aria Operations for Networks. You can apply these license keys to VMware vCenter, and VMware Aria Operations for Networks automatically fetches the entitlement after you add vCenter as a data source. 
  • To support the new vSphere license keys, a default Evaluation Mode is added. VMware Aria Operations for Networks always boots up in the Evaluation Mode. You do need an evaluation key to start the Evaluation Mode, and you can use VMware Aria Operations for Networks in evaluation mode for 60 days.
  • Support for older licenses will continue. However, if entitled with a vSphere License Key via the vCenter, older licenses become irrelevant.
Deprecation Notice
  • Online upgrade feature will be deprecated in a future release.
Here are the key features and capabilities of VMware Aria Operations for Networks 6.12:
  • Capabilities of VMware Aria Operations for Networks Enterprise are available with a purchase of VMWare Cloud Foundation. Purchasing VMware Aria Operations for Networks as a standalone license will no longer be available. New VMware Aria Operations for Networks license purchases of the following types will not be available: Perpetual, Support & Subscription (SnS), Universal, SaaS/hosted and subscription, as well as all other editions, suites, and pricing metrics. For more details, see this post.
Network Assurance and Verification
  • Admin users can now create and store up to 10 personalized network map scopes, enhancing the capacity to troubleshoot effectively and manage large network infrastructures.
  • In Network Map Scope, you can choose from a range of entities to focus on Physical, Virtual, Switch, Router, Firewall, Load Balancer, Blade Server, Fex, Host Transport Node, Edge Transport Node, and VC Host to create a simple scope.
  • Member and auditor users can access saved network map scopes for better collaboration and insights sharing.
  • Easily switch between saved network map scopes; scopes are dynamically updated when data sources are added or deleted during snapshots.
  • Entities outside the selected scope are grayed out and non-clickable to help you streamline the troubleshooting process.
  • Ability to pin scoped network map and summary panel to custom dashboards helps you centralize critical network insights.
  • Snapshots are generated now even when the physical entity count exceeds UI limits if the limits are within the network rule count.
  • Efficiently create or delete groups in the Network map using a CSV input file based on IP address.
VMware NSX Manager
Enhanced troubleshooting capabilities with 75 new metrics supported across NSX-T Edges, transport nodes, router interfaces, logical ports and switches, and VMware vCenter cluster and hosts. With these metrics, you can now:
  • Monitor memory pool usage at the Edge nodes to prevent impact on services, data path, and management plane.
  • Distinguish between the firewall and the non-firewall packet drops at the logical port and logical switch.
  • Get insights into the exact nature of the non-firewall packet drops at the router ports such as unsupported destination/protocol, IPsec Policy Error/Blocked, Fragmentation, and so on.
  • Leverage features like threshold analytics, network insights, and search capabilities with the new metrics.
  • Focus on non-firewall-related packet drops using fine-tuned existing OOB alerts.
VMware Cloud on AWS
  • Added the following new widgets on VTGW and SDDC Group dashboard to provide flow visibility for SDDCs present in different regions in an SDDC group:
    • Across region flows between TGWs
    • Across region flows between regions
    • Egress flows to other regions
    • Ingress flows from other regions
  • Added new widgets on the VMC SDDC group dashboard to provide better information on flows and top talkers.
Platform Enhancements
  • Improved alert usability with the following new capabilities:
    • Alerts Reset - Reset the system by closing all ‘Open Problems’ using the clean-up CLI command.
    • Access the new menu “Open Problems’ from the left navigation to refine your focus on open alerts.
    With this improvement, you can close all current open alerts and focus on new alerts as they are generated.
  • Consistent experiences across SNMP and email integration:
    • Alert closure detected by the system triggers an email.
    • SNMP and email body are now consistent with the IP address and the hostname of VMware Aria Operations for Networks added as new fields.
    • SNMP Engine ID are now static across all instances of VMware Aria Operations for Networks to easily identify the source.
Third-party devices
  • Define tag key-value pair for a wide range of assets, including switches, routers, firewalls, and hosts. This customization capability enables you to organize and categorize your network assets in a way that makes the most sense for your unique environment.
  • Effortlessly add up to 25 tags to entities, even you can bulk add tags to help you streamline the process of labeling assets according to your needs.
  • Modify or delete tags as your network evolves to ensure that your tagging system stays relevant over time.
  • Defined tags that are integrated throughout the product, offering enhanced visibility and search capabilities. Whether you're exploring the network map, analyzing applications, or monitoring dashboards, local tags provide the context you need to make informed decisions.
  • Add tags as part of the payload while inserting or updating new data sources through Public API.
  • Now access two new IPLs for Network Discovery and HCX Monitoring to get step-by-step help on these use cases.

  • Updated Application Discovery and Insights IPL to include the new CSV import capability for flow-based app discovery.
  • Sorting, filtering, column re-ordering, and column preference changes are now persisted across all tables in the product for better usability.
  • Widget re-positioning and widget sizing (maximizing/minimizing) will be preserved in the entity (OOTB) and custom dashboards.

Product Upgrade

The supported upgrade path is available at
Refer to the section for more information on the upgrade procedure.

VMware Product Compatibility

The provides details about the compatibility of VMware Aria Operations for Networks with other VMware products.

VMware MIB Files

For MIB information, see . You can download the SNMP MIB module file from the VMware Knowledge Base Article: .

Resolved Issues

Reachability intent checks may sometimes falsely pass when the source has a misconfigured gateway.
In Crown Jewel Analysis, the internet node does not formed if the internet IP addresses are more than 100Ks.
In Network Map, when virtual entities are hidden due to UI entity count limit, executing a VM-VM path search makes Paths and topology panel spin indefinitely without returning any result.
Reloading the page makes Network Map usable again.
Device configuration of physical devices in Network Map path search result details may not be shown on some VMware Aria Operations for Networks setups.
After upgrading to VMware Aria Operations for Networks version 6.11, you may see a '
Launcher Service Not Running
' error. The error goes away after some time.
Ignore this error as it has no impact on the functionality.
The OID for a particular field within SNMP traps was modified from the existing value of to the new value of The field name linked to this OID is currently set as 
. This has been transitioned to its original nomenclature. Moving forward SNMP traps will be observed with OID and the field name linked to this OID will be identified as  
. In VMware Aria Operations for Networks (SaaS) environments, this field will be associated with the collector IP while in On-Premise environments, this field will be associated with platform IP. 
Upgrade to VMware Aria Operations for Networks 6.11 fails on the deployments where the installed originating version is 3.8 or below. This is due to package discrepancy and is applicable to both platform and collector. To confirm the originating version, login to CLI (ssh as consoleuser) only on Platform node (Platform1 in case of cluster) and run
show-version history
If the starting version is 3.8 or below, then follow the steps in KB 94245 to apply the pre upgrade fix.
Deployments will be non-recoverable, if the steps in KB 94245 are not followed.

Known Issues

Edit, Enable, Disable, and Delete Intent public APIs do not work due to the use of incorrect authorization method.
Network Map path search involving Cisco ASA shows blocked path when the associated object group has service-object configured only with protocols (For example, IP, TCP, UDP, and ICMP).
In Network Map path search if source or destination parameter has the search query “port where routed port ip address” and it results in a port-channel, then path search does not work and reports unknown source or destination.
VMware Aria Operations for Networks supports VMware Aria Operations for Logs version 8.0 to 8.8 as data source, and API version V1 support has been deprecated in VMware Aria Operations for Logs version 8.8 and above. As API version V2 is currently not supported by VMware Aria Operations for Networks, the Add Source page will show the 'Webhook not enabled for one or more alerts" error for these data sources. However, this does not affect the generation of dropped flow alerts in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
Dropped flow alerts are not generated in VMware Aria Operations for Networks if the VMware Aria Operations for Logs data source is added using the FQDN and not the IP address.
Add VMware Aria Operations for Logs data source using the IP address in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
While creating a network map scope, if the entity count exceeds the supported limit, the top summary bar may incorrectly show zero entities.
If you have physical entities in scope and if physical entities exceed the entity count limit, you might see an incorrect entity count in the summary panel.
When you have physical entities in scope that exceed the entity limit, the summary panel should show the entity counts for all categories as zero, but instead, currently, it shows the count for the virtual entities.
When you upload a CSV file for the Flow Based Application Discovery, you may see a mismatch in the number of discovered applications displayed in the table and the count of
applications found
displayed above the table.
: Refreshing the discovered applications page after a few minutes to resolve this issue. 
In the Network Map, clicking a hyperlinked device name in an alert opens the entity dashboard instead of highlighting the device in the map topology.
When the upgrade is in progress and you access VMware Aria Operations for Networks platform from a different tab or browser, the upgrade dialog box shows the older version of VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
NSX ALB Virtual Service and Service Engine metrics are not working.

Release 6.11 | August 2023

Build Number
VMware Aria Operations for Networks 6.11.0
29 August 2023
Build 1692527086
VMware Aria Operations for Networks (SaaS)
25 August 2023
Not applicable
This Release Notes covers release inforamtion for SaaS and On-Premises platforms of VMware Aria Operations for Networks. If any new or updated features are specific to only SaaS or On-Premises platform, then the same is explicitly called out in the Release Notes.
Check for additions and updates to these release notes.

What's New

Here are the key features and capabilities of VMware Aria Operations for Networks 6.11:
VMware NSX-T Manager
Deprecation Notice
  • VMware NSX Data Center for vSphere (NSX-V) as a data source will be deprecated in future releases.
  • The following services will be impacted after deprecation:
    • Addition of data source
      : You will be unable to add NSX-V as a data source. 
    • Data collection
      : Data collection will be stopped and disabled for existing NSX-V data sources.
    • Metrics and Flows
      : Associated metrics and flows will be deleted as per the retention period.
  • Action Required
    : Migrate your NSX-V instances to VMware NSX-T and add VMware NSX-T instances as data sources in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
  • For NSX-T version 4.x and later, VMware Aria Operations for Networks doesn’t support VM-VM path for federation deployment and VMware Aria Operations for Networks Assurance and Verification.
Network Assurance and Verification
  • Auto-arrange your entire Network Map or a set of selected groups within the Network Map. When you reset the map, the layout is automatically adjusted to best fit the screen.
    Options to auto arrange your Network Map.
  • Bulk select multiple devices on the Network Map and easily create groups. You can also select multiple devices and drag them together to a new location in the Network Map.
  • Create groups using IP address, IP range, subnet, and custom search. Newly added data sources matching the search criteria are automatically included in the relevant groups.
    Create groups using IP address, IP range, subnet, and custom search.
  • Get system-generated alerts if any previously defined intents are not valid. You can also modify the intents to match your current scenario.
    System-generated alert for a previously defined intent that is not valid anymore.
  • Perform Network Map path search with physical and virtual entities where the total network rule count and total physical entity count are within their respective limits. 
  • Intent validations are now independent of the Network Map if the previously described limits are met.
  • VMware ESXi Hosts are now automatically grouped in Network Map based on their respective VMware vCenter clusters.
    Automatically grouped VMware ESXi Hosts in the Network Map.
  • Create multiple groups in Network Map using the CSV import option through the command line interface. 
    Multiple groups in Network Map created using the CSV import option through the command line interface.
Platform Enhancements
  • VMware Aria Operations for Networks supports TLS version 1.3.
  • Co-existence of CPU Universal and Per Core Universal subscription is now supported. You can purchase Per Core Universal subscription for expansion while your CPU Universal subscription is still active. The usage is displayed in terms of cores.  
  • You can now configure hostnames for platform and collectors using the command line interface. These hostnames are displayed on the Infrastructure and Support page, search results, alerts, and the entity page. For more details, see How to change the hostname of a platform or a collector node.
    Hostnames for platform and collectors that are configured using the command line interface.
  • SNMP trap body in alerts has additional fields of problem entity and manager to improve the mean time to repair (MTTR).
Third-party devices
  • Add physical devices configured with stronger cipher algorithms for SSH connections as managed data sources. For more details on the supported cipher algorithms, see Encryption Algorithms and Ciphers.
  • You can now bulk update SNMP credentials for third-party data sources.
    Option to bulk update SNMP credentials for third-party data sources.
  • You can now export discovered devices as a CSV file.
    Option to export discovered devices as a CSV file.
  • You can now import devices from a CSV file to add them as data sources.
    Option to upload a CSV file to import and add devices as data sources.
Flow-based Application Discovery
  • You can now upload a CSV file which is used by Flow-based Application Discovery (FBAD) to improve the discovery of applications.
    • Use CSV export from an existing Content Management Database (CMDB) and upload that CSV file to add pre-existing application definitions and accelerate the application discovery process.
    • When you upload a CSV file to discover applications, the application names from the CSV file are used to name the applications and tiers.
    • Before saving the application, you can modify its members, tiers, and name.
    • Applications created using the CSV upload are monitored for updates and are shown on the Application Dashboard for approval.
    Option to upload a CSV file while discovering applications.
  • Flow-based Application Discovery now considers dynamic port ranges when grouping VMs into a tier. 
Custom Dashboards
  • VMware Aria Operations for Networks introduces new widgets in the widget library. Some of the newly introduced widgets are Top Talkers, Flow Insights, and Application widgets.
  • You can now edit the name of the widget title.

Product Upgrade

The supported upgrade path is available at
Refer to the section for more information on the upgrade procedure.

VMware Product Compatibility

The provides details about the compatibility of VMware Aria Operations for Networks with other VMware products.

VMware MIB Files

For MIB information, see . You can download the SNMP MIB module file from the VMware Knowledge Base Article: .

Resolved Issues

Configured Firewall Rules widget for VM displayed incorrect number of firewall rules as the source and destination negate property for NSX Policy Firewall Rule was not set.
When data collection is disabled for a Cisco UCS data source, IP address of its Fabric Interconnects' management interfaces will not show up in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
VMware Aria Operations for Networks will generate false Port Mode Mismatch alert when an L3 interface of a Cisco ACI switch (added as a data source in the product) is configured with sub-interfaces and connected with another switch (also added in the product).

Known Issues

Upgrade to VMware Aria Operations for Networks 6.11 fails on the deployments where the installed originating version is 3.8 or below. This is due to package discrepancy and is applicable to both platform and collector. To confirm the originating version, login to CLI (ssh as consoleuser) only on Platform node (Platform1 in case of cluster) and run
show-version history
If the starting version is 3.8 or below, then follow the steps in KB 94245 to apply the pre upgrade fix.
Deployments will be non-recoverable, if the steps in KB 94245 are not followed.
The OID for a particular field within SNMP traps is modified from the existing value of to the new value of The field name linked to this OID is currently set as
. In VMware Aria Operations for Networks (SaaS) environments, this field can be associated with the collector IP.
When the upgrade is in progress and you access VMware Aria Operations for Networks platform from a different tab or browser, the upgrade dialog box shows the older version of VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
After upgrading to VMware Aria Operations for Networks version 6.11, you may see a '
Launcher Service Not Running
' error. The error goes away after some time.
Ignore this error as it has no impact on the functionality.
Device configuration of physical devices in Network Map path search result details may not be shown on some VMware Aria Operations for Networks setups.
In Network Map, when virtual entities are hidden due to UI entity count limit, executing a VM-VM path search makes Paths and topology panel spin indefinitely without returning any result.
Reloading the page makes Network Map usable again.
In Crown Jewel Analysis, the internet node does not formed if the internet IP addresses are more than 100Ks.
Selective layout reset in Network Map for a sub-group does not ensure enclosing of the sub-group within its parent group boundary. The parent group boundary will be re-adjusted in the next map refresh cycle or if the user performs full auto-layout of the map.
Reachability intent checks may sometimes falsely pass when the source has a misconfigured gateway.

Release 6.10 | May 2023

Build Number
VMware Aria Operations for Networks 6.10.0
27 APR 2023
Build 1680883302
VMware Aria Operations for Networks (SaaS)
03 May 2023
Not applicable
This Release Notes covers release inforamtion for SaaS and On-Premises platforms of VMware Aria Operations for Networks. If any new or updated features are specific to only Saas or On-Premises platform, then the same is explicitly called out in the Release Notes.
Check for additions and updates to these release notes.

What's New

VMware Aria is a multi-cloud management portfolio that provides a set of end-to-end solutions for managing the cost, performance, configuration, and delivery of infrastructure and applications. VMware Aria is specially designed for the operational challenges of cloud-native applications and public cloud environments; VMware Aria delivers a new perspective on multi-cloud management.
As part of this transformation,
VMware vRealize Network Insight
is now
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
VMware NSX-T Manager
VMware Aria Operations for Networks introduces the following metrics for troubleshooting:
  • Host metrics:
    • Rx Missed Errors
    • Rx Ring Buffer Usage bytes
    • Tx Ring Buffer Usage bytes
    • Rx Ring Buffer Usage percent
    • Tx Ring Buffer Usage percent
  • NSX-T Edge metrics
    • CPU Core Micro flow-cache hit percent
    • CPU Core Mega flow-cache hit percent
Guided Network Troubleshooting
  • Insights are now relocated from the Dependency Graph widget to a dedicated Troubleshooting Insights widget.
  • The
    widget is renamed to the
    Troubleshooting Information
    widget which is more concise and uses less screen space.
The Troubleshooting Information and Troubleshooting Insights widgets of the Troubleshooting Incidents screen.
  • Metric charts are updated to include more space to show the full name of the metric and entity. Now, you do need to hover to get full information.
  • The Dependency tree actions such as filters and extension icons are always visible when available.
The Metrics widget of the Troubleshooting Incidents screen with full names of the metrics.
VMware Aria Operations for Networks introduces new changes to the user experience for Guided Network Troubleshooting for better usability and to enable Beta testing of Auto-RCA. Contact your account team to join the Auto-RCA beta.
Third-party devices
  • You can now scan the network by either providing an IP range or by providing a Seed IP to discover various devices such as routers, switches, firewalls, and load balancers, and automatically add them in bulk as data sources.
  • You can also periodically run discovery profiles to find new supported devices in the network and then add them as managed data sources. This provides quick time to value if your network is large, or if you do not have a single source of truth for your physical devices.
  • Device discovery helps you to understand what is in your network and VMware Aria Operations for Networks automatically manages them once you add them as data sources.
Discovery Profiles in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle  8.12.0 supports the installation of VMware Aria Operations for Networks 6.10. See VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.12 Product Support Pack Release Notes. To install and upgrade VMware Aria Operations for Networks  by using VMware Aria Suite Lifecyle, see the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle Installation, Upgrade, and Management Guide.

Product Upgrade

The supported upgrade path is available at
Refer to the section for more information on the upgrade procedure.


For additional information about new features, see the VMware Aria Operations for Networks documentation.
As you use the VMware Aria Operations for Networks documentation, we want you to know that we value inclusion at VMware. To foster this principle within our customers, partners, and internal communities, we have updated some terminology in our documentation.

VMware Product Compatibility

The provides details about the compatibility of VMware Aria Operations for Networks with other VMware products.

VMware MIB Files

For MIB information, see . You can download the SNMP MIB module file from the VMware Knowledge Base Article: .

Resolved Issues

In Tag based Application Discovery, if VM tags contain special characters, such as
*,{,}, \, ?, and +,
then when you save the discovered applications, the saved applications show zero members.
To resolve this issue, you must escape these special characters using “\” in the tier criteria while saving or editing the application.
When you upgrade vRealize Network Insight to version 6.9, you will see a slight delay in viewing the final status of the upgrade. During the delay, the upgrade modal can be blank with no details.
To resolve this issue, if the upgrade modal does not refresh automatically in five minutes, refresh the current page to see the latest upgrade status and proceed to the login page.
When you define
intents, VMware Aria Operations for Networks allows adding invalid values for source and destination ports. Also, if you do not enter any value for the source and destination ports, the intent processing gets stuck in the
To resolve this issue, delete Reachability and Segmentation intents with invalid parameters.
Additional secondary IP addresses configured on VLAN interfaces of Arista, Cisco Catalyst, and Cisco Nexus devices are not processed by VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
If you have pinned a widget to the Pinboard with a custom time range, after migrating to Custom Dashboard, you see the corresponding widget in the Custom Dashboard does not show the information as per the previously selected custom time range.
On the Home page, the Service Mesh heatmap under the
tab in the
widget shows incorrect problems count.
On the Network map, when you edit a compressed user-defined group (which display only the count of entities but not the sub-entities) multiple time consecutively, the user-defined group may show incorrect members.
On the Network map, when you edit a compressed user-defined group (which display only the count of entities but not the sub-entities), the entities list in the edit dialog box does not show any information. However, if you zoom in further on the network map where you can see the sub-entities and then try to edit the group, the entities list is displayed accurately.
The path topology for Kubernetes Service to Kubernetes Service/Kubernetes Pod breaks if you change the default source or destination.
When you add VMware NSX-T Manager version 4.1.0 or higher in vRealize Network Insight 6.8, you see the
Data collection failed due to an error. Please wait for some time
error on the
Accounts and Data Sources
The web proxy is not paired with the Platform when it is enabled for automation-based deployments such as ovftool and saas.
Cisco UCS FEX devices displays incorrect host-side port channels, in addition to actual fabric port channels.

Known Issues

When data collection is disabled for a Cisco UCS data source, IP address of its Fabric Interconnects' management interfaces will not show up in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
VMware Aria Operations for Networks will generate false Port Mode Mismatch alert when an L3 interface of a Cisco ACI switch (added as a data source in the product) is configured with sub-interfaces and connected with another switch (also added in the product).