Authentication using VMware Identity Management
Starting release 4.1.0 users can authenticate public APIs using VMware Identity Manager
Workflow for authentication using VMware Identity Manager.
Request client-id of password grant OAuth client registered at VMware Identity Manager
Password grant OAuth client is automatically created by VMware Aria Operations for Networks after VMware Identity Manager is successfully configured. This client-id along with user credentials is required while making an access token request to VMware Identity Manager.
- VMware Identity Manager must be configured & enabled in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
- To retrieve the client Id use the GET request.
Request: GET Response: { "vidm_appliance": "", "client_id": "g9xUFRr84K_pwd_grant" }
Get access token from VMware Identity Manager
Get the access token from VMware Identity Manager using "client_id" and "vidm_appliance". The response contains the access token which is further used to get the authentication token for accessing VMware Aria Operations for Networks public APIs.
- "client_id" and "vidm_appliance". (Refer previous section)
- Credentials of the user.
- To retrieve the access token use the POST request.
Request: POST<username>&password=<password> Response: { "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.i5QWkrsrjReLJiKnkxqrZ-4CAcjqWn0NjDWBDHxMPtTW4CEV_Hz_8izwIC7mG5wgoy5z1Zj7Ur9h08j3Xpy1saI3ZqRUNZZ0F9ffqI1bUDOR-4yUhvjUmonRgRblbql6qr5Q_CxDu_tHa65u0SbBcJCwhFPoS7H5r0Ue7ZoofZYFzc0yh2exkDC000GzcuVgTTysLKtl17d3-2zF0K6U6ut-5L80f8LQSm59OA3LFRMHYyWktFFD5-js5TvBU4jElWeZoZICFpxaA6Jk9UIVoAcz4SG0thkyZUSmfPi8S_Ty61G_Ll3M-3RxEXdmJWBLuCfzzSmNWJar-e8HFtmvqg","token_type": "Bearer","expires_in": 10799,"scope": "user" }
Acquire an authentication token for user mapped through VMware Identity Manager
- VMware Identity Manager must be configured & enabled in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
- Access token must be obtained from VMware Identity Manager.
- POST a request to the authentication URL to acquire token for VMware Identity Manager users
Request: POST Content-type : application/json Accept : application/json Body: { "vidm_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJkMDkxZTlmOS0xZDViLTQ0ODctODk5YS03YTFhMGJjNjBkYmUiLCJwcm4iOiJ1c2VyMUBWUk5JLVZJRE0tVEVOQU5UMSIsImRvbWFpbiI6InZpZG1sYWJzLmNvbSIsInVzZXJfaWQiOiIxMyIsImF1dGhfdGltZSI6MTU1MjU4MjgxOSwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly92cm5pLXZpZG0tdGVuYW50MS5lbmcudm13YXJlLmNvbS9TQUFTL2F1dGgiLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL3ZybmktdmlkbS10ZW5hbnQxLmVuZy52bXdhcmUuY29tL1NBQVMvYXV0aC9vYXV0aHRva2VuIiwiY3R4IjoiW3tcIm10ZFwiOlwidXJuOm9hc2lzOm5hbWVzOnRjOlNBTUw6Mi4wOmFjOmNsYXNzZXM6UGFzc3dvcmRQcm90ZWN0ZWRUcmFuc3BvcnRcIixcImlhdFwiOjE1NTI1ODI4MTksXCJpZFwiOjE1fV0iLCJzY3AiOiJvcGVuaWQgcHJvZmlsZSB1c2VyIGVtYWlsIiwiaWRwIjoiMCIsImVtbCI6InVzZXIxQHZtd2FyZS5jb20iLCJjaWQiOiJnOXhVRlJyODRLX3B3ZF9ncmFudCIsImRpZCI6IiIsIndpZCI6IiIsImV4cCI6MTU1MjU5MzYxOSwiaWF0IjoxNTUyNTgyODE5LCJzdWIiOiIzMjhkN2E0ZS0zYTU4LTRiOTktOGQwOC04MWQzMDMzMzRkZjUiLCJwcm5fdHlwZSI6IlVTRVIifQ.i5QWkrsrjReLJiKnkxqrZ-4CAcjqWn0NjDWBDHxMPtTW4CEV_Hz_8izwIC7mG5wgoy5z1Zj7Ur9h08j3Xpy1saI3ZqRUNZZ0F9ffqI1bUDOR-4yUhvjUmonRgRblbql6qr5Q_CxDu_tHa65u0SbBcJCwhFPoS7H5r0Ue7ZoofZYFzc0yh2exkDC000GzcuVgTTysLKtl17d3-2zF0K6U6ut-5L80f8LQSm59OA3LFRMHYyWktFFD5-js5TvBU4jElWeZoZICFpxaA6Jk9UIVoAcz4SG0thkyZUSmfPi8S_Ty61G_Ll3M-3RxEXdmJWBLuCfzzSmNWJar-e8HFtmvqg" } Response: { "token": "KxlrQZeVHhPsBbDOTu5Xzw==", "expiry": 1552600841923 }
Configuring VMware Identity Manager with VMware Aria Operations for Networks
VMware Aria Operations for Networks supports SSO authentication through VMware Identity Manager. To authenticate against a particular VMware Identity Manager appliance, it must be configured & enabled in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
- Register VMware Aria Operations for Networks as an OAuth client (Service client) to VMware Identity Manager appliance
- The user performing this action must hold administrator priveleges.
- POST a request to the settings URL for VMware Identity Manager
- sha_thumbprint is an optional field (must be kept as an empty string if thumbprint validation is not required)
Request: POST Content-type : application/json Accept : application/json Authorization : NetworkInsight {auth-token} Body: { "vidm_appliance" : "", "client_id" : "operations_for_networks_client", "client_secret" : "operations_for_networks_secret", "sha_thumbprint" : "", "enable" : "true" } Response: { "vidm_appliance": "", "client_id": "operations_for_networks_client", "enable": true }
Updating VMware Identity Manager Configuration
- VMware Identity Manager must be configured in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
- The user performing this action must hold administrator priveleges.
- PUT request to the settings URL for VMware Identity Manager.
- sha_thumbprint is an optional field (must be kept as an empty string if thumbprint validation is not required)
Request: PUT Content-type : application/json Accept : application/json Authorization : NetworkInsight {auth-token} Body: { "vidm_appliance" : "", "client_id" : "operations_for_networks_client", "client_secret" : "operations_for_networks_secret", "sha_thumbprint" : "", "enable" : "true" } Response: { "vidm_appliance": "", "client_id": "operations_for_networks_client", "enable": true }
Fetching VMware Identity Manager configuration
- VMware Identity Manager must be configured in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
- The user performing this action must hold administrator priveleges.
- GET request to the settings URL for VMware Identity Manager
- sha_thumbprint is an optional field (must be kept as an empty string if thumbprint validation is not required)
Request: GET Authorization : NetworkInsight {auth-token} Response: { "vidm_appliance": "", "client_id": "operations_for_networks_client", "enable": true }
Deleting the existing VMware Identity Manager Configuration in Operations for Networks
Deleting the VMware Identity Manager configuration eventually removes corresponding users & user-groups (those mapped through VMware Identity Manager) from VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
- VMware Identity Manager must be configured in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
- The user performing this action must have administrator priveleges.
- DELETE request to the settings URL for VMware Identity Manager.
Request: DELETE Authorization : NetworkInsight {auth-token} Response: HTTP 204 (No-content)
Integrating VMware Identity Manager in VMware Aria Operations for Networks
- VMware Identity Manager must be configured in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
- The user performing this action must hold administrator priveleges.
- POST request to the settings URL for VMware Identity Manager enable operation.
Request: POST Authorization : NetworkInsight {auth-token} Response: HTTP 204 (No-content)
Disabling the Integration of VMware Identity Manager in VMware Aria Operations for Networks
- VMware Identity Manager must be configured in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
- The user performing this action must hold administrator priveleges.
- POST request to the settings URL for VMware Identity Manager disable operation
Request: POST Authorization : NetworkInsight {auth-token} Response: HTTP 204 (No-content)
Adding a user mapped through VMware Identity Manager
- VMware Identity Manager must be configured in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
- The user performing this action must hold administrator priveleges to manage user and user-groups.
- POST request to the users settings URL for VMware Identity Manager
- Expected values for "role" = {"ADMIN", "MEMBER"}
Request: PUT Content-type : application/json Accept : application/json Authorization : NetworkInsight {auth-token} Body: { "username": "testuser", "domain": "", "display_name": "test user", "role": "MEMBER" } Response: { "user_type": "VIDM", "id": "", "role": "MEMBER", "username": "testuser", "domain": "", "display_name": "test user" }
Updating role for user mapped through VMware Identity Manager
- VMware Identity Manager must be configured in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
- The user performing this action must hold administrator priveleges to manage user and user-groups.
- User (whose role is getting updated) is already added in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
- PUT request to the users settings URL for VMware Identity Manager
- Expected values for "role" = {"ADMIN", "MEMBER"}
Request: PUT Content-type : application/json Accept : application/json Authorization : NetworkInsight {auth-token} Body: { "username": "testuser", "domain": "", "display_name": "test user", "role": "MEMBER" } Response: { "user_type": "VIDM", "id": "", "role": "MEMBER", "username": "testuser", "domain": "", "display_name": "test user" }
Listing all the user details
- User performing this action must have adequate permissions (admin user) to manage users and user-groups.
- GET request to the userS settings URL
- Mandatory query param : "type", expected values = {"vidm", "local", "ldap"}
- Optional query param : "size", "cursor"
Request: GET Authorization : NetworkInsight {auth-token} Response: { "results": [ { "user_type": "VIDM", "id": "", "role": "MEMBER", "username": "testuser1", "domain": "", "display_name": "test user1" }, { "user_type": "VIDM", "id": "", "role": "MEMBER", "username": "testuser2", "domain": "", "display_name": "test user2 } ], "cursor": "Mg==", "total_count": 3 }
Fetching User Details
According to the current version, the API only return details of user mapped through VMware Identity Manager. Details of local/ldap user is not yet supported.
- User performing this action must have administrator permissions to manage users and user-groups.
- GET request to the user settings URL.
- "id" for the user must be provided as path parameter (URL-Encoded format)
Request: GET Authorization : NetworkInsight {auth-token} Response: { "user_type": "VIDM", "id": "testuser1@system domain", "role": "MEMBER", "username": "testuser1", "domain": "system domain", "display_name": "test user1" }
Deleting an existing User
The API is currently restricted to deletion of users mapped through VMware Identity Manager. Local/ldap users deletion is not yet supported.
- User performing this action must have administrator permissions to manage users and user-groups.
- DELETE request to the users settings URL.
- "id" for the user must be provided as path parameter (URL-Encoded format).
Request: DELETE Authorization : NetworkInsight {auth-token} Response: HTTP 204 (No-content)
Adding a user-group through VMware Identity Manager
- VMware Identity Manager must be configured in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
- User performing this action must have adequate permissions (admin user) to manage users and user-groups.
- POST request to the user-groups settings URL for VMware Identity Manager.
- Expected values for "role" = {"ADMIN", "MEMBER"} .
Request: POST Content-type : application/json Accept : application/json Authorization : NetworkInsight {auth-token} Body: { "group_name": "testgroup1", "domain": "", "role": "MEMBER" } Response: { "group_type": "VIDM", "id": "", "group_name": "testgroup1", "domain": "", "role": "MEMBER" }
Updating the role for user-group mapped through VMware Identity Manager
- VMware Identity Manager must be configured in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
- User performing this action must have adequate permissions (admin user) to manage users and user-groups.
- User-group (whose role is getting updated) is already added in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.
- PUT request to the user-groups settings URL for VMware Identity Manager.
Request: PUT Content-type : application/json Accept : application/json Authorization : NetworkInsight {auth-token} Body: { "group_name": "testgroup1", "domain": "", "role": "ADMIN" } Response: { "group_type": "VIDM", "id": "", "group_name": "testgroup1", "domain": "", "role": "ADMIN" }
Listing details of all the user-groups
Currently this API only return results for user-groups mapped through VMware Identity Manager. Results for other user-groups is not yet supported.
- User performing this action must have adequate permissions (admin user) to manage users and user-groups.
- GET request to the user-groups settings URL.
- Mandatory query param : "type", expected values = {"vidm", "local", "ldap"}.
- Optional query param : "size", "cursor".
Request: GET Authorization : NetworkInsight {auth-token} Response: { "results": [ { "group_type": "VIDM", "id": "", "group_name": "testgroup1", "domain": "", "role": "ADMIN" }, { "group_type": "VIDM", "id": "", "group_name": "testgroup2", "domain": "", "role": "MEMBER" } ], "cursor": "Mg==", "total_count": 3 }
Fetching details of a user-group
Currently this API only return details of user-group mapped through VMware Identity Manager. Retreiving details of other user-groups is not yet supported.
- User performing this action must have adequate permissions (admin user) to manage users and user-groups.
- GET request to the user-groups settings URL.
- "id" for the user-group must be provided as path parameter (URL-Encoded format).
Request: GET Authorization : NetworkInsight {auth-token} Response: { "group_type": "VIDM", "id": "sysadmins@system domain", "group_name": "sysadmins", "domain": "", "role": "ADMIN" }
Deleting an existing user-group
This API is currently restricted to deletion of user-groups mapped through VMware Identity Manager.
- User performing this action must have adequate permissions (admin user) to manage users and user-groups.
- DELETE request to the user-groups settings URL
- "id" for the user-group must be provided as path parameter (URL-Encoded format)
Request: DELETE Authorization : NetworkInsight {auth-token} Response: HTTP 204 (No-content)